So, I had someone come out and look at the wasps making a home in our house today. He reported that they are
German Wasps. The place they are flying into, indicating that their nest is behind this, is the very bottom of the where our bay window juts outs. The bee guy said that they are therefore nesting in an opening in the flooring between layers of plywood, not in the wall between wood and plasterboard, so there is no risk that they will come tumbling out into the house at some point. In the fall, when next year's queens are launched, they will come out and leave their paper nest behind. We can caulk the opening and there will be no damage to the house; the nest they leave will be insulation.
We haven't had any problems with stinging and if we give them a bit of a berth when we are outside, we should be okay. They eat insects and garden pests, so they are beneficial to the yard. If we wanted to remove the nest, he would have to remove the siding and then we'd need to find someone who could replace it for us. So, we decided to let nature run its course and make peace with the wasps, as long as they remain peaceful with us.
The downside is that we want to refinance and I worry this could be a problem with an appraiser. Anyone have real estate contacts that could give me a read on this?