what if i did the spn 50 states challenge but instead of spn bc fuck you i did x-files
341 words
Driving up Route 41, car windows down, an old baseball game flickering in and out through the radio because Mulder’s that type of person, listens to old baseball games, holds on to the little bits of the past that aren’t even relevant any more but he gets so excited when the home team scores. Four weeks after Emily, driving through Georgia after investigating a demon that wasn’t really a demon but a lonely teen with badly dyed hair. She has a bag of fruit in her lap because they’d stopped in Cordele for gas and at the stoplight a woman was selling peaches. The woman had smiled at Mulder when he handed her a 20, laughed out loud when he told her to keep the change, and Scully had felt something loosen up inside of her, didn’t know what, didn’t really want to think about what. She didn’t know how long they’d been driving and it didn’t matter, she could spend days like this, peach juice on her fingers and a tangy sweetness in her mouth and a warm breeze whipping through her hair, driving back to a home that wasn’t a home any more, hadn’t been for some time, the thrum of the car engine as the swamp passes by and Mulder cheers for a home run.
Over a year later, when Mulder will kiss her in a hospital waiting room for the first time with a stupid boyish hope on his face, it’s this moment she’ll think about, car seats slippery with sweat and the smell of peaches and Mulder laughing in the thick swamp air.
Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen years later, more years later, when it doesn’t matter how much later any more, when there isn’t long left, she’ll hold his hand in the dark. Crammed together so tightly she can sense him blink, don’t even breathe or they’ll find us shh shhhh, she’ll whisper in his ear ‘hey Mulder, remember Georgia?’ and with his face up against her collarbone he’ll smile, pressing it into her skin.