Kids say the darndest

Jul 18, 2006 22:10

Today I spent 10 hours babysitting 4 kids. Two boys who were really too old for a babysitter and two girls, one 5 and the other 7. They are actually my neighbors so I had told them that they had not seen me recently because I go to school in New York. This seemed to fascinate them. Later on, Rob calls. He briefly says hello to the 7 year old and then me and Rob have a very short conversation. Afterward she asks me who that was. I said that he was a friend from school. Her reply:

"So he speaks two languages?!" She was in awe. I was confused. "What do you mean? He speaks the same language we do."

She looks like she understands now. "Ohhh! So he is a friend from your old school!"

"Nooo. He is a friend from my school in New York."

Again, in awe: "So he speaks New York!"

I then preceded to explain to this 7 year old that New York was a state just like Georgia. That most people spoke English up in New York too. And that on a map New York is "up north".

I really hope I taught her something.
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