Package from my sister

Mar 19, 2007 13:45


1 Windows Vista Ultimate Edition (from the Microsoft Company Store)

1 Page Letter (half a page really)

1 Italian Leather Bound Notebook (From Italy. Smells strong, like fresh cow.)

Only my sister. To elaborate for a moment, this notebook is intense. I feel like I need to use it's strap to tie it to my bicycle as I venture down the cobblestone streets to the marketplace to buy my momma (stress on the last syllable) a loaf of bread and a sack of fresh goat cheese. I feel like it can only be written on with fountain pens that stain my fingers and blot the crisp pages. I feel like it should be filled with poetry and used to press flowers. I feel like for all these reasons I will most likely never use it. I feel like I may still smell it on occasion to combat any urges in the future I may have to eat steak.

As an aside, go and listen to The Spinto Band. Best use of kazoos I have heard in a modern song.
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