Maybe one day I'll have new things to write about. Maybe if I snap and quit my job :)

May 14, 2013 00:06

I feel like some things I've been thinking about for a long time and it's time to stop thinking and just do.

I have written before about why I don't want to come out. I think I didn't mention two reasons that bother me right now.

I don't want people to worry about my afterlife.

I don't want people to be sad, because they think I won't be in heaven with them. My thoughts are too jumbled about this to write about it now. I just don't think I should make that a reason not to tell someone something about me.

I don't want to worry about being unsafe.

Unfortunately there are crappy people in this world who harm others. I wouldn't want to put an extra target on my back. This isn't a good reason for not being me though. You can't live your life ruled by fear. Also you can get hurt in multitude of ways that you have no control over. So... yeah.


Seriously, my mom probably already knows. I just really don't feel like having this conversation with her. So... I'm not going to, for now. Maybe when I move out or if there is someone to come out for.

I will be telling B though. I am going to send her a short e-mail and then we can chat on Skype. I don't want to tell her when she visits in case things get awkward.

Again nobody else really needs to know unless I'm going to start dating or I feel like advocating for gay people at my church or work.


I've decided my parents need their own Netflix account and I'm going to fix that this week. Kiss Me is on Netflix now. I need to finish my list of things to watch :)

gay stuff

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