Nov 21, 2004 23:18
Why is it I have to ruin anything I have...of my own..? or anything really "Your own"? I dont belive so...even if you think your most in depth, personally works are safe somewhere...they arent. 'Oh I have a physical diary I write in" big deal asshole, that is easier to pick up and read than for someone to stalk your username on an online journal and pry themselves into your shit... At the pinical of this rant I begin to put the Irate in Pirate when...shit what the fuck are they doing???? nevermind...ok..this is a little akward. So...what does a guy do when he is pissed off and feeling really night? What should I do? Well I do have some beer. No...keep it real tonight I say. That is what he told himself that night the phrase "fucked up" cannot explain the way he felt. He was alone, and knew it...and did not want to admit it. Why does that feeling come upon you deep inside when you're feeling more alone...then you ever have before? haha..anyway this feeling is telling you that you need...what is but you take it as "holy shit I gotta get trashed" But he knows that this only makes things worse. And your feelings will only get stronger at night...(usually bad feelings) So with this nice little combo of being drunk and sad at night...we're gonna have a good time arent we. he's back...Interesting. He's staying the night? Ok.