Ok, let me just go ahead and leave this here. I know you are all probably tired of seeing/hearing about it. XD But it's too awesome not to post it. . . feel free to ignore my ramblings!
Chatzy Chat of course!
Leo: kittyyyyyyyyyy hug me
Kitty_Fic: cuddleglomptacklyHUGS LEO! <3
Leo: *feels better*
Kitty_Fic: *clings to Leo* MINE!
Kitty_Fic: LOL, I'm acting like a Veela O_O ? Haha
Leo: Hee, I'm your mate
Kitty_Fic: Yay! :-X
Kitty_Fic: leo_draconis is my veela mate!
Kitty_Fic: can i make an icon that says that? ROFL!
Kitty_Fic: giggles
Leo: Yes you can, that'd amuse me
Leo: kitty 22:55
Kitty: leo? 22:55
Leo: i <3 u 22:55
Leo: just sayin 22:55
Kitty: Aw! I <3 YOU @_@ so muuuch! <3 *whee* 22:56
BriniMC: Lol 22:56
BriniMC: You guys are cute
Kitty: *cuddlesnuggles Leo* 22:56
Leo: *tacklyglops kitty* 22:57
*blushes and runs away and hides nao!*