2007 Fic Round Up

Dec 30, 2007 14:27

I've been enjoying the various round up and "year in review" posts popping up around LJ.  Such posts give me a chance to revisit fics I've already read or discover new fics that I somehow missed.  Shameless follower that I am, I decided to do a round up of my own.  2007 was a busy year for me, in terms of writing fic.  Sadly, the last quarter was busy for me in terms of Real Life.  I haven't posted any new stories since the end of November.  Hopefully, the work schedule will ease up in February some time.  Hopefully.

As you look over the list, I'd like to take a page from 
jd_junkieand ask if you have a favorite story of mine or any favorite bits from a story of mine.  I'm not fishing for compliments with this.  I'd just like to know what resonates with the reader and see how that compares to what resonates most with me.

On to the fic lists.  I've decided to list them by author as well as by date.  Anything under Catsmeow is gen with the odd bit of het tossed in here or there.  Anything under Cowardly Lion is Jack / Daniel slash.  The links I post here will all go to the Alphagate archive just because it's easier to do that way.  All fics are here in my LJ and the slash is also posted at Area 52.  Every bit of it is Stargate related.  I can see I've done a LOT of very short stories this year.  Partly that's a a product of my work schedule.  I had less and less time as the year progressed.  Being able to write and post a short fic gave me the satisfaction of completion.  I do have more than one long story (20,000 to 40,000 words) bubbling along in back of my brain that I would love to get to. One of them is a stranded fic - a subgenre that I love.

Author:  Catsmeow

Single stories:

Night Patrol:  Jack makes the rounds before he can sleep.  Post mission J-D friendship set in the early seasons. Long before I was a slahser, I was a J-D Friendshipper. I love the affection and acceptance that I see between them on screen.  I only got into slash because I ran out of good friend ship fic to read. This is a picture of the early beginnings of that friendship. 834 words.  Rated G.  Posted 04-23-07.

6 Drabbles for Unending: Snippets from the team's years in the time dilation bubble. Drabbles (100 words or less) were always diffiicult for me to write.  Done right, a drabble can be very powerful.  There are so few words that every one must count.  I chose this ep as an exercise to see if I could get the hang of being succinct.  639 words. Rated G. Posted 06-22-07.

Five Things Vala Stole on Earth - Technically, Vala didn't really steal anything. Well, not intentionally. Some gen and one D/V.  I like the five things prompts but havent' been able to participate in as many as I'd wanted to.  790 words. Rated G.  Posted 11-12-07

The series:

Small Boy, Big City:  Five stories so far, posted between 02-07-07 and 07-15-07.  This series deals with Daniel Jackson as a 9 1/2 year old orphan in foster care in New York.  I know there are many fics out there showing Young Daniel overcoming the adversity of horrible, abusive, or neglectful foster parents.I've read and enjoyed some of them.  My own personal canon, though, says that Daniel actually had good foster parents.  Child Daniel already had so many huge things to deal with - His parents were killed, he saw them killed, his grandfather rejected and abandoned him, and his parents death left him dealing with a different culture than the one in which he was raised.  Any one of those things could easily warp a fragile young psyche without heaping foster abuse on his poor little head.  The Daniel I see on screen is a well adjusted young man.  I firmly believe had had to have had decent foster parents to get him through the tragedy of his early years.  This doesn't mean, though, that everything ran smoothly for him.    Each story is designed to stand alone, but they are best read in sequence.

Transliteration:  Nine stories so far, posted between 07-25-07 and 11-02-07.  This series deals with Daniel Jackson who has been downsized to a toddler with Jack as his guardian.  Daniel is only partially aware of his life prior to down sizing.  These are slice of life stories, but I do have a longer, action adventure story planned for this universe. I've been using this series to explore Protective!Jack and Father!Jack as well as Carefree!Daniel.  Most of the installments are from Jack's POV but I do have one each from Teal'c, Janet, and Cassie.  Sitting unfinished on the hard drive is a segment from Sara O'Neil's POV.  That story is half finished, but has been back-burnered for four months.  I need to finish that one before I can get started on the action story.

Author: Cowardly Lion

Single stories:

Love Among the Chevrons:  Rejected Scripts for SG-1 - Every time TPTB write a "Jack & Sam" scene, there's always a twist, whether it's an AU or aliens tampering with their brains, so it never really happened. Let's see how they explain THIS.  Parody done in a psuedo-script style. This was a lot of fun to do and I have a couple of other "rejected scripts" simmereing in the background.  I'd lke to make "Rejected Scripts" a series of parodies. 2,595 words.  Rated PG-13. Posted 01-05-07

New Tricks: Jack's an old dog, but he better learn some new tricks or his behavior will cost him dearly. Sequel to Fevered a first time fic where the fellas come clean with their feelings.  (Fevered was posted in 2006 and is listed only for reference. It is not included in this year's round up.)  New Tricks features Assertive!Daniel setting out expectations and boundaries for the relationship with Jack.  Oh, and Jack gives his first ever blow job.  4,427 words.  Rated NC-17.  Posted 03-06-07.

Future Imperfect: Daniel has just gotten some surprising news. As Jack waits alone with him in the briefing room, discussion ensues. This is an M-Preg story - rather this is the setup to an mpreg story.  The emphasis here is on humour arising from the shock of discovering the 'pregnancy'.  I have a continuation started and would like to keep the series going  "IF* I can keep it lighthearted. I already have the gist of the thing in my head.  If only the stories could write themselves.  1,715 words.  Rated R for the situation and some language. Posted 04-17-07.

Murphy's Picnic: The team gets a chance to relax together on their day off, but they can't escape Murphy's Law. This is the result of the first ficathon in which I've ever participated.  It was nerve wracking and challenging in equal measure.  Overall, it was a fun experience and I'll do it again.  7,410 words.  Rated PG-13.  Posted 07-12-07.

Of Silence Ache:  Far from home, Jack and Daniel make a decision about their future. This is a stranded fic, but the stranding is merely the backdrop for the discussion.  I really like the overall tone of this story.  Currently, I'm in the process of re-writing the end of it to make a gen version.  2,538 words.  Rated PG-13.  Posted 09-19-07.

Matching Pair: While giving Jack and Daniel surprising news, Vala also manages to give them a clue. This is my very first Daniel/ Vala/ Jack threesome story.  It's an ep tag of sorts for Shroud with Daniel & Vala and Jack & Vala as established, and Jack/Daniel first time. I'm very proud of how this one turned out. 6,099 words.  Rated NC-17.  Posted 10-19-07.

Echoes: Daniel remembers something from before his ascension that Jack had hoped he would forget. This is a dramatic, somewhat angsty first time fic. I think this is one of the fics I'm most proud of from this year.  There's no link to it yet, as it is in the Ancient's Gate 15 e-zine "The Way It Is" along with several other very excellent stories. You can go here to check out that zine and many others or wait until October 2008 when the fic gets archived.  8,064 words.  Rated NC-17.  Zine published in October 2007.  To be archived October 2008.

New Day:  Jack and Daniel watch the sunrise. Written for the JD Commentfic Kissathon, this combines chaste kissing, old married kisses, and gentle kisses all in one kiss.  Again, the challenges for commentfic give me a chance write a post a complete fic, albeit a highly abbreviated one, when I don't have time for a full story.  495 wirds, Rated PG-13.  Posted 10-29-07.

Gratification:  Daniel had no idea that Jack had been waiting all day for this.  Written for another commentfic challenge, this is a bit of PWP with no redeeming value whatsoever.  It is one of my favorite fics of those I wrote this year because I think I finally wrote Really!Hawt!Sekksin! Jack & Daniel.   788 words. Rated NC-17.  Posted 11-12-07.

Rock My World:  Daniel's surprised by Jack's sudden interest in his artifacts. Spurred on by a prompt on LJ for Jack/ Rock, I wrote this little thing.  I can do angst.  I can do drama. Really.  It's just that for some reason, my  mind often goes right to whacky.   If you've got my sense of humour, then it's funny as hell.  If you don't, then, well, you probably think I'm an idiot.  Surprisingly, both things can be true at the very same time. 3,286 words.  Rated NC-17.  Posted 11-24-07.

The series:

Dreaming:  Three little stories that are the written equivalent of sleight of hand - now you see it, now you don't - as the reader and the boys both get teased.  Don't worry, though, it all works out in the end.  Posted between 05-13-07 and -7-13-07.

So, I've written 3 series comprised of 17 stories, plus 12 stand alone stories and 6 drabbles.  Huh.  Twenty-nine stories and six drabbles in one year.  It seems like a lot until you consider how short most of them are. Hopefully, this coming year I'll be able to return to the longer stories.  In any case, I look forward to hearing your opinions.

gen, pre-slash, fic, stargate, little daniel, slash, young daniel

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