Feb 12, 2013 21:11
So, I haven't written anything in a long time. It's been too hard to marshal the time, energy, inclination, and inspiration to do so Gotta have all of those at the same time or nothing happens. I decided to test the waters, so to speak, and signed up for a fic challenge that only had a 100-word minimum and plenty of time to write those 100 words,
Well, I manage to write over 6,200 words. I was feeling pretty good about it. Especially since I've had to write in fits and starts when and where I I could which was not often. At all. In only just finished the story tonight and had planned to spend the next couple of days tweaking and embellishing. I also went back to the challenge community to go over the posting rules and that's when it hit me.
My fic no longer fit the challenge requirement .
::head desk::
Stupid stupid stupid mistake. I"m such an idiot. Went from feeling very pleased to feeling like a stupid crappy failure who should just put down her metaphorical pencil before she puts someone's eye out with it.
Part of it had met the requirement, in the beginning But the story grew and changed as I wrote it, as they do. I could pry out the one scene that matches and send that 1.200 words in as the story. I doubt I'll have time to write another unless I did keep it to 100 words Of course, even that means time researching pulling up info, looking for ideas .
I won't bore you with the details, but I've got something going every evening after work for the rest of this week, a full day Saturday, places to go Saturday night, going of of town Sunday morning returning Monday and going straight into something else Monday afternoon. The fic is DUE Monday.
I've sent a message to the community leader to see what she'd like to do.
Edited 02-13-13 to add:
I'm feeling much better this morning. Plus, the challenge organizer is quite amenable to pulling the scene that does match the challenge and using that for the fic challenge but including a note and a link to the full fic in the author's notes. Yay!