Red vs. Blue: The Blood Gulch Chronicles

Aug 01, 2009 12:21

A few years back, I stumbled across an online machinima series called "Red vs. Blue". Created by a group of Halo players, this uses the images from the game for the video and hilarious scripts written and voiced by the group. It starts out simply enough by poking fun at the game itself which features two opposing forces, Red and Blue, waging war in an otherwise deserted box canyon and gradually goes way off the rails. It's a hoot.

The characters as described on the Season 1 DVD:

A gruff sergeant. An unlucky ghost. A psychotic mercenary. A sarcastic slacker. An unrepentant kiss-up. Two morons. A tank with impeccable manners. And a robot stuck on the Spanish setting...War is hell."

For a long time I had the complete DVD box set on my wishlist at Amazon, put off slightly by the $60 price tag. I finally broke down and bought it and I'm very happy that I did. It's hugely entertaining. Each season's episode are played all together as one long movie, which makes them much easier to watch in one sitting. It's great fun exploring all of the extras on each disc.

The only negative about the series for me is that closed captioning is not available until Season 4. Since the characters are graphic and have no mouths to boot, I can't read lips. Without closed captioning to fall back on, there were one or two times that I had to go back for a second listen on a line.

The box set includes all 100 episodes of the five seasons plus all of the PSAs and other non-episodic videos featuring the characters. There are outtakes, deleted scenes, commentary tracks, and behind the scenes how to's. They have fun with the menus and the intros to the DVDs. For example, one season gives you the choice of seeing the menu in various languages including "alien". Also, if you have the menu up but don't go any farther, the characters just might come out and start yelling at you to pick something on the menu. The character profiles are also pure gold.

I couldn't embed any videos but I did want to give a taste of them, so here are two links for you. This first link is to the very first episode of the entire series. Follow the link and you'll also be able to watch the rest of Season 1 and even the rest of the series.

Season 1 Episode 1

And this is an example of the non-episodic, non-storyline videos

Christmas at Blood Gulch

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a bonus disc to watch.


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