basically. sam slept over yesterday and we hungout with adam. picked allll the music for my party except the candle songs uh lol.
went to ikea to get more stuff/return shit. then went home and finished my room. i absolutelyyyyyyyy love it =D.
then i went to the barn. and i rode. of course my horse wasn't good. i didn't expect him to be. but we walked. he spooked about three times. cantered while i wanted to trot. but i controlled him pretty good =D. and then we did a canter it was fun. and he kept friggen hopping and putting his head down grrr.
i'm going up to lunge him tomorrow. i went to westfield with rojas today too. it was fun. i haven't seen him in foreverrr. go on my flickr i have pictures from poland from two years ago.
tomorrow i think my day consists of, lunging hawk, going to spend time with my grandpa. and idk.
ttyl peace<3