Jul 15, 2006 16:59
Summer's been pretty good to me. We've lost 2 out of our 5 softball games I think. So we're not doing too bad. I do, unfortunately, need to tan because next to allison jaekle, as well as my entire softball team, i look like a piece of paper. I don't know why I just don't like tanning. When I go to the beach I like to sit in a chair under an umbrella and read or book or listen to music. If it's in the evening I'll play a sport or something. But I'm just not a run into the waves kinda person. I was once. Boy, those were the days *chuckle* when I was kid I walked miles in the snow just to get the mail..
okay i'm done.
My mommy just taught me how to make lasagna. I've discovered I'm 16 years old so I'm going to start testing my limits. For those who don't know exactly what I mean, I mean to say I'm going to see how much I can get away with. I don't really care for staying out later, but to be able to go places on my own with my friends would be great. I'm a little weary about walking on roads because I don't trust people in cars.
Yeah I keep putting off reading that driver's manual, but I want to get my permit already. Sooner or later.
I'm still doing summer reading, stuck in the first book. I should probably finish that in the next couple of days.
i got my AP scores. I got a 3 on both the AP world and AP bio. This is pretty much a God-send, so my mom and I were very happy. I excepted a 1 in World because I only wrote one essay and wrote intros to the other two. If i had written the other essays I probably could've gotten a 4, but I blanked out. I'm pushing for better grades and working my ass off this year. But enough about school. Now that I've gotten the grades I can finally look back on my tenth grade experience and say I am a junior now. That's so scary. Tenth grade was enjoyable though. I got closer with friends and met a bunch of new people. I even got through gym class without knowing anybody.
I'm off! Oh yeah I started lifting weights. It's pretty sweet. I'm gonna be one of those scary buff women on tv with no virtually no boobs because they were turned into muscles...hahaha..I crack myself up...no actually I'm doing winter track and I want to get under 6minutes in the 1500 course so yeah. I'm done. Seein Superman tonight w/ my daddy and marianne royce. Should be interesting.