Feb 08, 2007 16:53
Band concert tonight...Im not nervous about what I have to do, I just dont think the band is prepeared for Korean Folk song...we have not even made it all the way through it.
I never said how I did at UAB (so I dont forget if I ever look back at it one day) It was the weekend of Devember 2nd. I made 2nd chair festival for the 9th and 10yth graders
I went to Alabama Honor band last weekend. I LOVE THAT CAMPUS. I dont know if I can go there or not though because I want to as of right now, be an engineer, and I have heard Auburn is a better school for that. Anyways, at the honor band, I made 5th chair White band, which is not that great, but the Director in my opinion, was really fun. (At least better that the UAB director). During the concert, he got his directors award right before a song we played called "Clowns". We raised 107$(thats how cool he was) and got him two 50$ gift cards. The extra money was used to buy a clown wig and nose b/c the entire weekend our director was talking about how he wanted something to entertain the crowd during "clowns". The driector puts it on DURING the concert and wears it during the last song. It was so funny. I stayed with Katie Deale too. She was so nice, I appretiate it more than she will ever know b/c she practiacally baby sat me. I mean come one a freshman in college dragging a sophmore in highschool around campus...
District Honor Band is coming up and I have to play picc. I hate picc. I was told No driving on Friday of it though. I made 7th chair District on flute which is alternate Allstate, so I had to take picc. since it made allstate.
I beleive thats all for updates... sry about miss spellings