Apr 02, 2005 19:12
Hey look I'm making up a survey for people who draw!
1. Do you consider yourself an artist : Sometimes
2. Do you consider yourself creative : most of the time
3. What medium do you usually use : micropens pencils and colored pencils
3. What's your favorite thing to doodle : Eyes
4. What do you consider the easiest thing to draw : furniture (trees are more difficult come on)
5. What do you consider the hardest thing to draw : hands damn it
6. What do you usually draw (ie . landscape,surrealism,anime etc): Anime and realistic. Fantasy
7. What's the mood of your drawings : I like making things stoic or happy. I dislike depressing art.
8. What inspires you to draw: Pretty things and music
9. Are you a good drawer: Sometimes
10. Can you paint : watercolors are good for me
11. Can you draw the human body: Sometimes it looks good but sometimes it looks a little boxy
12. Who is/are your favorite artist(s): Leonardo Da Vinci, James Jean (*pokes kristine*) Maki Murakami, Yu
Watase and Kaori Yuki....and Eiki Eiki ( is that name not awesome?)
13. Would you like to draw as a profession: kind of. I'd like to do many things. Come back when I figure
things out.
14. What's a color that you tend to use a lot in your colored projects : Blue! Everything's blue in this
15. Do you ink things more than color: I usually ink then color but just inking pictures lately
I can't think of anymore questions. Add more if you think of them if you do this survey.