V N V Nation Concert

Oct 23, 2008 16:05

For those of you who slogged through my Arlo Guthrie tributation, you might notice that I am in an upbeat and happy mood

even more so for not having to go to the Judge and explain why I shouldn't go to the pokey for ignoring my jury duty summons :P

Last night, Sturmcrow and I went to the El Rey in LA with his brother, sister and brother in law to see VnvNation

WOW just WOW!!

I was kind of worried I wouldn't recognize any of the music, because I thought it would be all new stuff from their newest album, yet it started with Joy (which I think might be one of SC's top two VNV Nation favorites) and did every song I knew!

It was Sturmcrow's first concert and I was worried about his ears (he has very sensitive ears) and about the noise level ~~ mostly from the fans. (He kept balking me about earplugs so I just took a pair with me and offered them to him about two songs into on the intro band :P )

SC's brother Greg kept checking our drink levels, and bought a couple rounds so after my fourth drink I admit I got a little tipsy~~

Yeah I admit it~~during one song (one of the new ones) I got all emotional and kissed them on the cheeks and told them I loved them :P (which is a sure sign someone is drunk, just in case you didn't know :P)

I danced and sweated and yelled and screamed and ended up with Crazy Ubangi Woman Hair!

( looks like this http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2316/2377450465_efdeeeca8f.jpg?v=0 )

It was such a wonderful, high energy, and fantastic night! Afterwards I told SC "I feel like I am recharged and I can handle anything now!" I sure needed it!

Jan, it was sure nice seeing you and Max! I hope you had a wonderful time too!
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