I spent most of today painting. I really hope it goes through the wash well. I'm pretty sure that cold cycle will be perfectly safe. If not, I'm back to the drawing board.
This one's for Mom. It's her birthday, first week of September. I've always been a little foggy on the actual date. It's either the sixth or the ninth.
I used one of her own photos as my model... one of the giraffe ones where the animal is looking right at her. The medium is what's so cool this time. Hot wax on a white t-shirt. It looks almost like stained glass. It's cooling now - the excess wax melted off with an iron. I'll put it in the washing machine in a moment on gentle cold cycle, then lay it out to dry.
I hope it washes well. That's the important part. If you can't wash a t-shirt, you can't really wear it, can you? I suppose if it doesn't work I can go to fabric paints, but the parafin is so much cheaper, and it makes a nice effect! And when you're finished, it cools to a solid block that you can keep as long as you need until the next project that calls for it.
Daddy was impressed as He watched me work. He thinks I have something unique, pretty and marketable with this idea. It took me... about 7 hours to do this shirt, but it was a lot of area to cover... not all shirts will include full backgrounds. Daddy recommended asking about $15-20 an hour for them, so this shirt (choosing the lowest, since I'm unknown) would have an asking price of about $100.00. But like I said, not all the shirts would take so much time... I'm thinking the average would be about three or four hours, or about $50.00 per shirt (each one a unique original).
Making them is just half of the deal though... selling them... advertising them... there's all that side of it... then there's cutting the government their little share... the books. Funzies. Worth it though. Worth it to make art. Worth it to have it seen. Worth it to break free of the office.
Although, from what I hear, I'm going to have a real cubicle soon. Everyone in our department is. Real cubicle with space for ... everything. A measure of peace and quiet afforded by not being so out in the open. Be a shame to miss out on that, right? Yeah, right.