Cat grossness

Jul 05, 2007 13:58

Yesterday I noticed that Angus was limping. He's got arthritis anyway, but when I checked him out, it became clear that he had a large abscess on his shoulder. Ugh. Of course, it was a holiday here, so I couldn't take him to the vet.

Took him today. Because he was so feverish he hadn't gone to the litterbox, so he pooped in the crate on the way there. Joy.

He had a HUGE abscess from a bite wound (I don't know if it was a neighborhood cat or our other cat). It had to be shaved, lanced and drained. And they got pus all over him (long hair cat). Then they wanted to charge me to groom him! I am SO pissed at this office. they are so expensive and ridiculous, every conversation starts out with, "This will be $15, this will cost extra, then blah blah blah." They want me to spend $400 to get his teeth cleaned again! Are they INSANE?

Anyway, I had to bring home this nasty, stinky cat and bathe him after he just went through minor surgery. He is not in a good mood. He has to have warm compresses 3x/day plus abx 2x/day (pills, no less! More joy!) And they want me to bring him back next week. Only if he's dying. Seriously. $139 I did NOT have ;). Poor little bugger though. He is much happier now, eating and cleaning himself. He actually jumped off the table at the vets after the procedure. He wouldn't even get off the futon before it!

I have to find a new vet. They don't even seem to care about the animal or talking to me as the owner - it's all about how much money they can wring out of me. The place that my MIL goes to w/ her dog was booked today and couldn't see me since we were a new patient :( Both the dog and the other cat need shots, so I'll try to get them in there soon.

:::sigh::   I hate going to the vet, especially with the kids in tow. It echoes like mad in there and Soren does repetitive annoying behaviors the whole time we're there. I was ready to pop when we got home!


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