Mar 12, 2007 13:07
Yesterday went by in a haze. I did manage to drag myself out of bed to take Emma and the whole fam damily to Plum Garden Hibachi restaurant for dinner (E's choice). She loves the theatre involved and getting to catch rice balls. Jude was wowed by the fire and smoke and was incredibly well behaved. Lucy fell asleep on the way there and slept until I woke her up when we got home. Very considerate of her!
Emma had fun - she got a sweatshirt and socks and a book from us (as well as HP Scene-it, but she opened that Saturday at her party). Joanne got her something, but I can't remember what. David got her a computer game, The Neighbor From Hell, which she installed on my computer and I had to uninstall it because it kept screwing up my mouse and graphics for some reason.
She also got a Hannah Montana CD which she loves. Hard to believe she's 11!
No card or package from my mom.
I am still sick as a dog but it's moving into my chest. My ear hurt this morning but I think just from pressure from my sinuses being so jammed up. Gross! Thank god for Mucinex.
I tried to get up and work at 7, but went back to sleep until 9:30 and am trying to write but my head is so damn fuzzy.
In other randomness, I wish I had some idea of how to deal with Jude' s hitting. He hits all of us, including the pets - with hands, kicking, or any object close at hand. We have been trying consistent time outs but they don't seem to work. He also doesn't like to apologize - and I'm not a big fan of forced apologies, but this is such a constant problem. If we try to talk to him about it, he pretends he's sleeping ;). Creative, but not useful!
He hits all the time - anytime he feels his space is invaded, or if he's angry about something, or sometimes it seems just for fun, with the pets. It's driving me MAD!
OK, back to trying to focus on work.