Oct 23, 2005 18:19
my to-do list from last night is 75% crossed off. this is unlike me because:
1. i usually make my to-do lists long and rambling because they are to avoid doing any work at all, and they turn into works of prose themselves. this one had 4 items in only 8 words.
2. i usually lose the list before i check anything off, only to find it again 3 months later and stress over the fact that, in fact, none of the items have been done. this usually prompts me to create another list. repeat if desired. this list is still found.
3. i actually did the things that i crossed off (as opposed to crossing off simply in anticipation of doing those things, or crossing them off because i did them last time so i'm sure to do them again, or (my favorite) crossing them off because they were done before i made the list).
4. i like lists.
5. this is no longer a list of reasons why this particular list is unlike me, but rather a list of its own. this is usually what my to-do lists look like. (maybe "list of things i want to say"?)
6. i cleaned most of the apartment today, and moved the furniture in my room.
7. the end.
8. p.s. i'm writing a novel for november: the things i know are the main character's name (he's a male and no i won't tell you the name) and that i want it to be magic realism. any ideas, criticisms, encouragements, dirty jokes, requests, questions, complaints, dialogue you'd like to see included, real life situations that you specifically do not want fictionalized for my own purposes, etc. can be left here or sent to me by postal mail (call for my address). you get more points for the real mail thing. even more points for sending me a good list.
9. the end. for real this time.