"Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much." From the Bible According to Oscar Wilde
I've been watching GCB which stands for Good Christian Bitches, and yes I am not afraid to spell those words. The ABC network is full of Pussies (I'll say that word too) and that is one reason why they make such good Puss and Boots movies. And why wasn't Puss a girl kitty who dressed like a boy kitty in boots? Think of all the story opportunities THAT would have afforded.
GCB (which stands for GOOD CHRISTIAN BITCHES, I capitalized it THIS Time!) had some promise in its pilot episode and the second episode was adequate enough to bring me back, but Episode 3 was very well done. If they can stay at this level of writing and directing (the actors are all good too, except for those pesky pubescent kids, who were not to be seen in this episode and should not be seen ever again), then I will have to designate this show as GTT (which is GOOD TRASH TV, and yes, I will spell it out for all of us!).
What I Particularly Liked:
* Annie Potts and her Hair!
Miss Potts' Hair was Dallas Big Hair Worthy! (DBHW, Bitches!) Skippy the Pinwheel Head Guy never had a head and hair shape to equal Miss Potts'. Although I think that Skippy doesn't have hair.
OK, Skippy does have hair at the very top of his head. And his name is Zippy.
But Miss Potts is so much better than Skippy/Zippy. Why is her daughter so Hair Challenged? (HC)? I'll bet that Miss Potts (or Gigi) (or GG) asks herself this everyday.
* Bethany Mae!
She Womans the Texas Chili Council's 24 Hour Hot Line. And she is HOT! CHILI HOT! (CH)
Bethany Mae had better be back, Womaning and Counciling, because she is WISE! And knows how to make the best of her lines.
* Carlene and her husband are such a MISMATCH MATCH made by God here on earth! Praise Her Cute Work! They see EYE TO EYE (ETE) on Everything when Carlene stands on a sofa.
Carlene and Hubby are a Perfect Fit! (PF! Bitches!)
How can such a Tiny Woman have such a Poitrine Généreuse De La Carlene? And Son Mari est très Grand et Beau.
* My VARY VARY Favorite Good Christian Bitch (GCB), Sharon!
This actress (Jennifer Aspen) and the writers make what should be the most boring of the Good Christian Bitches, the most fun.
With her beads and her printed dresses and her pouty face and Farah Fawcett hairdo, Sharon is My Favorite!
Sharon is En Garde! against Fallen Women attempting to Destroy Her!
OK, That Fallen Woman (FW), Sharon didn't see coming. The other Fallen Woman (FW) was cleverly distracting Sharon while FW1 pounced like a kitty on a mouse! Hey, Miss Aspen would have made my Perfect Puss In Thigh High Patten Leather Boots! Is my Puss a girl in a Tom? A girly Tom in Drag? A Trans Tom incarnation of Divine? That is what the story will tell.
What I didn't Like:
Speaking of Transgenders and Drag:
Miss Shor, who plays Cricket and who played a transexual in
Hedwig and the Angry Inch, and her husband. I like Cricket and I really like her husband. I like all the Husbands on this show. They cast some Mighty Hot Husbands (MHHB) to be on this show. That is as it should be.
But this couple is rather dull. They are playing this couple too earnestly. It should be a farce, and all these little lessons in Tolerance are going to ruin this couple. Earnest life lessons KILL Farce!
I Part with this Gift to You:
They do know how to cast the Hunks out on the Water to draw the nourishment of a Male Feast on this show.
"And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
Screencaps by Me