its the most beautiful thing i have ever seen, thes next two years while im getting ready for wrestling, im allowing my self to have dought, becouse whean im actoly training and lurning how to wrestle im not going to let any dought enter my mind this is the physical represintashion of that dought, so in 3 years whean im haveing to sleep in the back of a truck im not going to dought becouse i will remimber whean did have dought and know that the cut off date for that type of thing has passed and that is the geriral thing me haveing " cold feet" but the selecion of snow is vary inportant becouse snow flakes are not the most intimadateing thing in the world, some people have been harking on it becouse it isnt a skull or some fire or some tryble, theys people are idiots, why in the fuck whould i want my fears my worrys my doughts to be scary there snow flakes i dont want my fears to be scary i want them to be beautiful you run away from a skull, you walk in to the snow and thats what i am doing for theys 2 years im calmly walking trew my fears
also anouther thing that ties in to the snow falks and the choise of colur i have absoluly no black on my foot, black is a negative colur i have always been fond of blue blue has always mad me feal " cozy" and i have had a faundeness for the snow flake shapes my whole life thay seam to intercet for me to do, to beautful to tuch untill some one shoed me how to cut them out of paper i know this has happend to you to, and it made me feal like i lurned a secret, like i was spechial becouse i chould make something so beautiful also snow becouse yes it is something of granger to look out but you have to take it serious, i mean the snow and the cold that comes along with it can kill you in part of if i dont take this stuff serious i wont make it and my dream will fall by the waste side and im not willing to let that happen and i know that people are going to snicker and lafe at it and thats fine with me becosue the same people lafeing are the same people who dont under stand it the same people that dont understand me going to the gym that dont understand me going to train with Dan Sevren that dont understatnd me watching everylittle bit of wrestling i can thay dont understand my dream or the meaning of liveing out your dream for that matter, " the only ression people try and stop you from suceding your dreams is becouse thay are to affrade to acomplish theres"