Jul 20, 2005 16:23
haha man oh man lastnight at work was probably the best night of my life i swear to god. Dan Coda and i had a friggen blaaast, quoting super troopers all night haha. Ahh man good times, then the deli guy Justin was bein funny as usual callin upfront to see if i could help out back there but he didnt know my name and was like "can you send the kid with the fro outback to help us?" haha then paul even called me the deli bitch haha it was fun that guys the man as well as keith chagnon and coda (unit 91).
Today was pretty relaxed woke up at 9 like usual, went to the bank and deposited 1800 dollars haha and just cruised around hoppy in my nice beat up buick, and i decided im not gonna get a new car, cuz me and the buick have been through alot and i don think i could get rid of her like that..im gonna have her repaired and we're gonna have more good times in the future.
Hopefully my cousin kaitlyn will be comin up soon, i still gotta talk to her and my parents haha and i think she wont let me drive to everette alone so im gonna have to meet her halfway or something. But i cant wait for her to come up! we're gonna have a blast like we did lasttime!!
Farva: Don't call me radio, unit 91.
Mac: Then don't call me unit 91, radio.
Farva: Are you done?
hahaha coda
later unit 91...this is radio signing out