Public post OMFG!

Apr 01, 2006 16:57

I apologize for the spam.

I've decided to change journals. *cue Kawachi: NANYATE?!* I'll probably be changing as soon as school ends and/or my mom gives me the go signal to buy a paid account.

Why? Because I don't want a dash (-) on my username. Hahaha! Yes I'm that shallow. I also want a really short username so that people can easily remember my journal. But once again, it'll remain friends only because people apparently stalk me. Poor fools.

The bolded ones are the ones I like the most. Even if you don't understand Japanese, please choose one that sounds/looks best!

* -a purged username (meaning I have to pay an extra $15 to get it, curses!)

I desperately wanted a one but someone got the name AND never used the journal. Such selfish idiots.

Anyway, please vote for the top three choices! Or if you can suggest better ones, that'll be fine too ^__^

Thanks guys, and all of you will be automatically added once I buy my new account ^^;

EDIT: Before the day ends, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO:

Sakuragi Hanamichi, Watanuki Kimihiro, Kinomoto Sakura, Li Syaoran, Ryuichi Sakuma, Kutz Weber, Melissa Mao, Ussop!!

real life

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