O le a o nin eriatha êl eden

Dec 22, 2005 00:42

Across religions, places and times, this is a season of hope and rebirth. This night of nights is not about the cold winter settling in, but about the longer days to come and the return of Spring.

And, of course, spring means a new album from JC (hopefully) and maybe, soon, Justin? The three-man bus tour sounds less and less far-fetched with Chris doing shows and all the JuC love of the past couple months.

I promised jtsnoa that I would upload some of my smaller JuC clips. All links are YSI. Noa - the links should be good for a week - if they expire before you have a chance to download them, let me know.

2003 AMAs: Sharon Osbourne wonders why Justin and Britney aren't together. Justin, however, didn't come to the awards alone. 11.6 MB, .mpeg format (sound isn't perfect, but that's not the important part).

JC watches Justin: Justin struts across the stage, singing 'Gone'. JC can't help but watch. 3.78 MB, .mpeg format.

Short clips: Three short little clips - 1) Hyper boys dancing; 2) JC slaps Justin's butt in Rio; 3) Justin hypes BMU on TRL. 2.96 MB, .mov and .mpeg formats.

Rosie 2000 - JuC: Series of clips some lovely person spliced together from NSync's appearance on the Rosie show in 2000. JC and Justin demonstrate their telepathy, JC admits to seeing MC Hammer in concert and gets moral support from his boy and more. 12.0 MB, .avi format.

Justin is JC's security: A little interview clip from the 2003 AMAs. Justin steps in to make sure that a floundering JC doesn't downplay his talent. 5.62 MB, .mpeg format.

"Look, friend, to the West," Glorfindel said. "Do you not see it? A new star shines upon us."

Ecthelion looked up at the night sky. Elves know the elenath like the face of a loved one, and he certainly would distinguish this new star. "I think you had too much wine tonight. There is no such star."

"No, not yet. But there will be." Glorfindel clapped him on the back. "Hope rises in Gondolin this night. Hope for all children of Eru."

…Out of your house shall come the hope of Elves and Men. This I say to you, lord, with the eyes of death: though we part here for ever, and I shall not look on your white walls again, from you and from me a new star shall arise. (JRR Tolkien, The Silmarillion)

juc, elves

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