>Kanaya: Confront Gelatinous Menace

Oct 26, 2011 13:44

*Truth be told, you do not CONFRONT anything.

In fact, you are quite happily minding your own business when you are suddenly swept up in the advance of a relentless, amorphous foe.

After a brief moment of struggle and panic, your most base fight-or-flight reflexes dull with the discovery that not only can you breathe in this sticky crimson abductor - if it can indeed be called that - but that it actually doesn't taste half bad when you try to consume it. It's kind of cherry-flavored.

Of course it is slimy and sticky and your outfit is ruined and you are covered in gel and being dragged Gog knows where.

The only solution is to find your nearest fellow captive and complain vigorously.*


This is unexpected.

And extremely adhesive.

de blob, action, ic, event

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