Armageddon & Oscars

Mar 01, 2011 01:42

So, Sydney Armageddon is done and dusted. Was a lot of fun and it was great to see everyone. I wore my Legolas and Marie Antoinette and was surprisingly comfortable so long as I could ignore the agony that was my blistered feet. XD  Everybody looked fantastic!

Got my pic taken with the head demon, Christopher 'Alistair' Heyerdahl and he was a real sweetie.  Of course he was, he's from Vancouver! *laugh*

Tonight, I watched the Oscars and because I avoided tv, Facebook and twitter all day...nothing was spoiled for me.  I even went to the extent of muting and hiding the screen during commercials because the dicks at Channel 9 like to put ads in between for the films nominated and mention what they won....BEFORE the show actually announces the winner.  Sure, it was announced before but wait until the Aussies have had their screening guys so they can enjoy it?  So stupid.

Because I couldn't go on twitter during the show, I kept a list of my thoughts and comments while watching it so I could maybe post them later. XD

-There's a Foreign language film from canada??? Last time I checked, we speak english! *mutterbloodyquebecquoismutter*

-Note to winners about speeches...Keep it short and sweet!  Seriously, you do not have to thank everyone and their dog.  Your ums and ramblings just annoy and embarrass everyone.

-I know the Oscars are political but did they go out of their way to give awards to films just because nobody expected them to win that category? "Let's give the award to this film even though it's not REALLY the best choice because at least it's not the 'favorite' to win"

-Best Score should have gone to Inception.  It had a great, memorable sound and gave the audience a visceral response. Giving them sound mixing & editing does not makeup for not getting score.  Does anyone remember what the score from Social Network even sounds like? I call BS!

-Yay Wolfman for makeup!

-Colleen Atwood - read painfully from a slip of paper and still didn't keep it short! I was embarrassed for her.

-Zachary Levi can sing??? Color me surprised

-Music film compilation 'he doesn't own a shirt' = hilarious win

-Wanting to steal all of Anne's wardrobe, even if I have not chance in hell of fitting into it.

-Emeralds are the 'thing' this year I see

-Enjoyed Toy Story but didn't think it deserved the awards it got.

-King's Speech great film but I wouldn't have picked it for best picture.

-Yay for Natalie winning! Finally something I agreed with.

-Jennifer Hudson presenting and Gwyneth Paltrow singing? Welcome to the Twilight Zone! Gwyn has a good voice but no emotion and no power behind it.

-Only one nom for Tron: Legacy? *pouts*

Sorry, they were somewhat random and in no particular order. XD

supernatural, marie antoinette, conventions, oscars, armageddon, legolas, costume

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