Title: Two Hearts, One Soul
Rating: Hard R/nc-17 to be safe
Chapter: Something Like Drowning
Summary: AU Jet survives Lake Laogai and Zuko sides with Team Avatar during the Crossroads of Destiny. But old prejudice and unresolved self hatred and shame are only some of the few obstacles facing these two. Jetko
Chapter Three )
Comments 4
"And why does his opinion even matter anyway? The rest of us want you up there."
It just makes you want to give poor ostracised Zuko a hug!!
-Thankyou! Personally I feel like as such a manipulator/charismatic character Jet would have to be adept at reading people on some level
"It just makes you want to give poor ostracised Zuko a hug!!"
-Hehe I want to do more than hug him ;)
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