
Aug 02, 2014 16:43

Read an article during church camp about being Kingdom-focused. To be kingdom-minded, knowing we strive for intangible outcomes that last through eternity, even after this world passes away.

Such that in all we do, we never lose sight of the larger picture. Who we are called to be on this side of eternity.

Fleeting friendly jokes may feel good in the spur of the moment, make two individuals feel closer than in reality. But we need to remember to link back and remember the God we serve and seek to glorify.

To dig deeper and ask God first. Gentle note to self with those I keep company with, applying either the first or second point:

1. Does this friendship reflect God's goodness to the pre-believers around us? Are we shining testimonies, extending His kingdom further in our friendship? We must remember our identity as child of God and role as God's hands and feet to replenish the earth and subdue it (Gen 1:28).

2. Does this friendship shine God's glory and goodness? Am I a living example of a child redeemed by the blood of Christ? That the world may know and see (1 Peter 3:15).

Continue thou in the things you have learned, stay established in the faith for the furtherance of His Kingdom. Amen

today i write, god's will

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