…and thirty-three days later, here I am. I originally started writing a blog a few weeks ago, realized it sucked, scrapped it, and decided to start over. Consider this the “NEW AND IMPROVED”/abridged version 2.0.
My really cool thing? Yeah, that’s not going to be happening for a while. Last month, I actually found a pretty sweet site that would host miscellaneous videos for free. Naturally, I came up with the (very Zach Braffish) idea of having a video blog every now and then. But of course the site shut down. Videos are always large in file size and I’d imagine it’d be hard to host things for free. Sooo until I find a (free) host-worthy site that appeals to my liking, I’m just going to stick with boring text blogs. Just like this one.
My first semester at NKU is officially over. After multiple tests, speeches, homework, papers, and movies, I’m finally able to sit back and relax for a little bit. And wow, does it feel good. Check out my grades:
Mass Media: B
Race, Gender, and Mass Media: A
College Writing: A
University 101: A
Speech 101: B
Sooo, three As and two Bs. Pretty good, huh? For my Mass Media and my Speech 101 classes, both teachers averaged a 1/5 on ratemyprofessor.com for difficulty. They were supposedly “known” for failing students. Considering that and the fact that I worked my ass off I’m perfectly happy with those two Bs.
Highlight of my first semester? It’d definitely have to be giving my persuasive speech in Speech 101. Everyone picked the most boring topics possible- a third of our class literally tried to “persuade” us that we should by hybrid cars. Me being, well, me, I wanted to livin’ things up for everyone. Therefore, I decided on “Why girls should quit being dumb”.
Unbeknownst to many, I’ve actually dated around a lot since the infamous decimation of my heart. As cheesy as it sounds, I’ve just been trying to find someone to be in love again. However, I have extremely high standards, morals, and requirements. Dating around the past few months only allowed me to reinforce the mental image of my previous relationship, as well as allowed me to know what I truly want-slash-need.
Applying that to my speech, I literally chose 7 different dates and told stories that highlighted what I didn’t like or want in a girl. Then I explained why girls should quit being stupid and just fix that problem. Sure it sounds mean, but I made it funny. Really funny. My teacher, this guy who’s literally in his sixties and has taught his whole life, told me it was the funniest speech he’s ever seen. All the guys in my class gave me a standing ovation and even quoted it for the last two weeks. Haha the girls playfully acted mad and I even got a couple more phone numbers out of it. Oh yeah, I also got an A on it. Fun stuff.
Even though it was all done it good fun, it was entirely true. I just pretty much talked about how I wanted a nice, down-to-earth, smart girl that has the same values/morals as me. Oh yeah, it’d be awesome if she was cute. Being in college, all I can really find now are drunken/drugged up college whores. As fun as that may seem for a lot of guys, that’s not exactly the type of person that I want to “take home to mom”. I just want the perfect girl. Again. In a way, a fun/awesome goody-goody haha.
Hmmm anyway, back to college.
Here are my classes for next semester:
Mathematics for Liberal Arts from 9:00-9:50 MWF
Psychology from 10:00-10:50 MWF
Criminal Justice from 11:00-11:50 MWF
Literature from 12:00-12:50 MWF
Japanese 101 from 1:00-1:50 MWF
Beginning Karate (Hahahaha)from 2:00-3:15 MWF January- March
Intermediate Karate (Hahahaha) from 2:00-3:15 MWF March- June
I’m a huge fan of the Tuesday/Thursday set up, but Japanese is only offered on MWF during the spring. So basically, it messed my entire schedule up. Awesome. Haha anyway, I’m just continuing to knock out the core classes required to graduate. This time around, I’ll be receiving 18 credit hours (Math, CJ, Psychology, and Literature count as three; Japanese counts as four; and the retarded Karate classes count as one each).
Psychology isn’t recommended for freshman to take (since it’s hard), and Japanese is supposed to be the hardest language to learn. Tough stuff. That’s exactly why I decided to take the martial arts classes- I figured it’d be a nice fun way to even out all the difficult work. Not only that, but I’ve always wanted to officially take lessons my whole life (Until now, I’ve only taught myself Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do). Yup I’m a dork.
Speaking of Japanese, get this: This summer? There’s definitely a 90% chance that I’ll be living in Japan for an entire month (while earning 6 credit hours for college) as part of a special Kentucky college program. Rock. Next week I just have to get all of the papers to semi-finalize my trip. I’m just hoping I can get someone to travel with me; Ryan, Luis, and Sean S. are all interested. Hmmm…maybe Pat will go.
After this coming semester, there’s a strong chance that I might go to a different college. I planned on going to NKU for the first two years for love, but since that went to hell, my main reason for staying here is gone. It just really sucks to be here. Everyone has their own lives and things to take care of. I see Tony like once every three weeks now. Casey just got accepted as a leader at a school. Jody works two jobs. Sam, Sean, and Zak all have work. Everyone else is away at different colleges. Last month I was originally looking into going to EKU to be with everyone but I’ve sort of realized that I’m completely growing apart from those guys (in terms of humor, morals, beliefs, and even thoughts). Now I just want to…go away. I don’t even really know where, but I’ve been looking into places out in New York and California. I just figure it’s time for a change.
Hand-in-hand with the whole change of location thing, I’ve sort of decided on a New Year’s Resolution. I know it’s a little late, but I figured giving up soda for a year wasn’t good enough (I mean I usually do that for Lent). My resolution? To change and quit being a relationship-depressed toolbag. Last week I totally realized that I’m just like Paul Rudd in 40 Year Old Virgin. He played David- the guy who was depressed for 2 years after his girlfriend (who he dated for 4 months) dumped him. Haha as funny as he is, that’s not entirely a good thing. It’s been said multiple times, and trust me, I have actually been trying really hard. But it’s time I finally get my act together. She dumped me and made up lies about our relationship. Big deal, it’s done and it’s been long over. I just gotta be happy
…even if that means being single until I find my dream girl (as long as that may take). And yeah, that’s super hard at times. At Tony’s New Year’s party, I felt sooo out of place because everyone there was a couple. 3, 2, 1 *kiss*. I wish.
Yesterday, Casey and I came to the striking conclusion that there needs to be more “single” holidays. I mean c’mon- New Year’s, Valentine’s Day, Sweetest’s Day, and even Christmas. They are all just couple holidays. Casey came up with the perfect holidays: National Boys Night Out Day/Girls Night Out Day (which, of course, would have to be on separate days. Otherwise, there would just be a lot of couples together). Haha I’d definitely buy Hallmark cards for ‘em.
Remember how my mom kicked me out of my house (and threw away all my stuff) when she found out I wouldn’t be living on campus at NKU and would be staying at my dad’s instead? Yeah, well she refused to talk to me for months. After multiple attempts on my part, she actually realized that she was being immature and dumb. Haha even though I haven’t been able to get her to apologize for it all (it’s a taboo topic to her), we are actually FINALLY/COMPLETELY cool again. 4 months later. Wow. Family always work in weird ways.
You know in my Myspace profile how I have that “Recently Played Tracks” thingy? Well, I’m a member at this site called
Last.fm. Every song I play on my computer (through iTunes or Winamp) is automatically recorded and sent to it’s database. Through that, you can see your personal listening charts on your userpage (you can also check out your friend’s charts), as well as find similar bands/artists to listen to. It’s hard to explain, but actually a really sweet thing. Chris W. told me about it a few months back. Ryan, Luis, and Sam all made profiles. Make one. Please?
So I sold a ton of CDs I don’t listen to, a bunch of DVDs, and some games to buy an Xbox 360. As of right now, I have Perfect Dark Zero, Condemned, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Amped 3, King Kong, Madden 2006, Call of Duty 2, and 4 wireless controllers. Yeah, as cool as it is, I rarely ever play it. The whole “Gamertag” system is pretty dang sweet though.
For X-Mas, I got a Fender Artic White Telecaster (that’s a guitar for those who don’t know) and a sweet retro case for it. It’s super pretty. I’m sure I’ll eventually post a picture of it sometime.
Even though I don’t know her…like…at all, Kristen subscribed to my blog! Kudos to her!
Yeah, as you can most likely tell, nothing has really happened lately. I’m still just the relationship-deprived kid as back in November. Since it’s 5 in the morning, I can’t really think of what has changed in the past month or so. If anything exciting (non-school related haha) actually happens, I’ll be sure to post it.
Oh yeah, I have pages upon pages of messages/comments that I need to reply to. I’ll start to get to work on that. Sorry!