Credibility in action

Nov 26, 2013 14:56

Iranian officials say that the White House is misleading the public about the details of an interim nuclear agreement reached over the weekend in Geneva.

Iran and Western nations including the United States came to an agreement on the framework for an interim deal late Saturday night in Geneva. The deal has yet to be implemented

The White House released a multi-page fact sheet containing details of the draft agreement shortly after the deal was announced.

However, Iranian foreign ministry official on Tuesday rejected the White House’s version of the deal as “invalid” and accused Washington of releasing a factually inaccurate primer that misleads the American public.

Бгггг. Почтеннейшей публике предлагается отгадать, кто в данном случае врет. Ставлю на то, что врут обе стороны. А интересно получится, если Обама обгадится с этой сделкой не через шесть месяцев, а прямо щас. Просто для полноты картины.

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.

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