Говорят, jobs bill практически мертв

Oct 03, 2011 07:42

Демократы по-прежнему не желают иметь никаких дел с планом Обамы по безработице. Для законопроекта до сих пор не нашли ко-спонсора, никто не хочет связываться с этой затеей.

Washington Times пишет про их настроения:

By the end of the week, Democrats were in open revolt. Senate Majority Whip Richard J. Durbin, Illinois Democrat, asked whether his party had the votes to pass the president’s bill, said flatly: “Not at the moment, I don’t think we do, but, uh, we can work on it.” He added: “We’re not going to have 100 percent of Democratic senators [support the bill], that’s why it needs to be bipartisan.”

The reason is simple: Democrats in the House and Senate stand for re-election in just 13 months, and their campaigns will be difficult enough without raising taxes just before voters go to the polls. Said a blunt Mr. Durbin: “There are some senators who are up for election who say ‘I’m never gonna vote for a tax increase while I’m up for election, even on the wealthiest people.’ “

Возможно, идея повышения налогов все-таки не так привлекательна для избирателя, как думает команда Обамы.

Кроме того, упрямство демократов в Сенате статья объясняет следующим анекдотом:

There’s a story making the rounds in Washington that explains Mr. Reid’s dyspeptic countenance. On a secret meeting at the White House after the debt-ceiling deal collapsed (mainly because Mr. Obama doubled the amount of taxes he wanted), the president sat with the top Republican and Democrat from both the House and Senate. They offered a deal, one that all four agreed on and that all four vowed could get through the two chambers.

Mr. Obama nixed it. In one version of the story, a peeved Mr. Reid said, “I’m not going to do anything for that [expletive] again.”

Весьма правдоподобно.

Вопрос - удастся ли Обаме тот план, ради которого все это затевалось: свалить вину за больную экономику на Конгресс, а самому выйти сухим из воды.

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