Rebirth of sorts

Jul 19, 2024 22:18

У Эндрю Салливана забавный текст сегодня. Обычная ненависть с презрением в адрес Трампа, сквозь которые, однако, пробиваются несколько неожиданные вещи. Я пару больших цитат тут оставлю на память, потому что доступ только подписчикам.

And the narrative that Trump has crafted - which requires a truly historic suspension of disbelief - just became more potent. The outsider businessman, taking on the corrupt elite, hounded by the woke press, targeted by leftist courts, unjustly impeached, outrageously smeared, almost assassinated … somehow survived and has the prospect of the greatest comeback in American history.

“They” spied on his campaign, sabotaged his policies, demonized his supporters, invented hoaxes to impeach him, then prosecuted him four times on flimsy or fake grounds, and yet he still stands. As many speakers at the convention said, “they” also tried to kill him. When he was president, the economy boomed, the world was at peace, crime was the lowest in the history of the world, wages high … until “they” stole the election from him and instantly turned America into Venezuela.

The truth, of course, is immensely different, but there are enough shreds of verity in Trump’s skewed version of events for the narrative to seduce.

What makes this narrative feel like something deeper than a mere looming electoral college landslide is that, simultaneously, the entire liberal establishment seems to be imploding. The Democrats’ Biden formula - impose radical social, economic, and cultural change by fronting it with a moderate, easy-to-bully old man - has unraveled as obviously as Biden’s health. One reason is that the president is simply incapable of catching the attention of the country - except in universal cringe - and has singularly failed to construct a compelling narrative of his own.

Another is the incoherence of the Resistance. If you want to protest potential abuse of the justice system by a future president Trump, don’t bring an obviously flimsy, political case in New York City that merely helped Trump sweep back to dominance in the GOP. If you want a saner GOP, don’t demonize every other possibility, from DeSantis to Vance. If you emphasize the danger of political violence, don’t turn a blind eye as BLM burns America’s cities to the ground, or ignore Antifa. If you want to accuse Fox News of propaganda, don’t push out equal and opposite propaganda on toxic MSNBC. If you think democracy dies in darkness, why try to get Trump legally excluded from some state ballots, and prevent any real primary among Democrats?

More saliently, if one of your main lines of attack on Trump is his mendacity, it was probably not a great idea to tell the entire country that Biden was, in Joe Scarborough’s words, “far beyond cogent. In fact, I think he’s better than he’s ever been - intellectually, analytically…”

The lies the Democrats have been telling us these past few years are legion: inflation won’t happen/is temporary/is good for you; the Southern border is secure; “equity” is “fairness”; biological sex is a “spectrum”; Ukraine is about to win the war; Russia’s economy can be sanctioned to death; political violence is entirely on the far right; children can meaningfully consent to sex changes; the only thing holding black Americans back is white bigotry; the mainstream media is fair; and women have penises. Yes, Trump is a shameless liar. But the left’s propaganda has muddied the waters. When NBC’s higher-ups took Morning Joe off the air this week, it was a real moment. Even the muckety-mucks couldn’t take the lucrative propaganda anymore.

I will never vote for Trump - because he is so psychologically disturbed and so contemptuous of the rule of law that he remains a danger to us and the world. But I can see the logic of Trumpism.

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All this means is that, for the first time, a second Trump term will likely have much more potential than his first - if Trump himself doesn’t squander it. We have, in other words, a counter-establishment beginning to take shape that will expand the choices American voters can meaningfully make. That’s not the death of democracy; it’s a rebirth of sorts.

Не то чтобы человек красную пилюлю уже выпил, до этого у него не дойдет, но недозволенное он себе вовсю дозволяет. Эдак он, глядишь, доберется до идеи, что "suspension of disbelief" демократам требуется куда больше, чем Трампу.

Да, а называется этот текст "Regime Change In America?"


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