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Aug 01, 2020 19:10

Еще про нынешнюю науку.

The massive social media website Twitter-the central hub for cultural discourse and debate-is now actively banning users for stating true facts about basic human biology. And biologists like myself often sit quietly, afraid to defend our own field out of fear that our decade of education followed by continued research, job searches, and the quest for tenure might be made obsolete overnight if the mob decides to target one of us for speaking up. Because of this, our objections take place almost entirely between one another in private whisper networks, despite the fact that a majority of biologists are extremely troubled by these attacks to our field by social justice activists. This is an untenable situation.
Так нынче достигаются научные консенсусы.

Автор этого эссе, кстати, из науки ушел, не выдержал.
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liberals, social justice, sci-tech

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