Сводки с фронта

Jul 21, 2020 17:57

В Wall Street Journal пытаются провернуть тот же трюк, что в NYT - закрыть раздел Opinion для старомыслов, чтоб не дезинформировали клиентуру.
More than 280 journalists, editors and other employees at The Wall Street Journal sent a letter to their publisher expressing concerns about misinformation in the paper's opinion section.

The letter says that “opinion’s lack of fact-checking and transparency, and its apparent disregard for evidence, undermine our readers’ trust and our ability to gain credibility with sources.”

Among several examples, the employees cite a column by Vice President Pence in which he said fears of a second wave of coronavirus cases were "overblown" and argued that the administration's handling of the pandemic has been a success. They said editors failed to adequately fact-check the piece, which was later corrected.

Another example was a reportedly highly-trafficked column titled “The Myth of Systemic Police Racism,” by Heather Mac Donald, a conservative commentator. The Journal employees said the article “selectively presented facts and drew an erroneous conclusion from the underlying data.”

В NYT прошло на ура. Интересно, получится ли у этих. Вторая упомянутая статья - это как раз та, из-за которой пришлось отзывать научное исследование из журнала, чтобы враги не цитировали. Но какими темпами все это происходит, а.

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