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Jan 29, 2018 08:28

Эзра Клейн у себя на Воксе: Trump is Winning

There are two Trump presidencies.

One of them is the official presidency of Donald Trump, leader of the Republican Party, driver of the legislative agenda, head of the executive branch.

A year in, that presidency looks surprisingly normal. Trump has largely outsourced his agenda to the congressional GOP and their allies inside his administration. As a result, he has pursued policies similar to what Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz or Jeb Bush might have pursued: repeal of Obamacare, tax cuts for corporations, deregulation for the energy industry. When he goes to Davos - and, note, he goes to Davos! - he gives the kind of speech any Republican might give at Davos.


But there is another Trump presidency - that of Donald J. Trump, reality television star and international brand. This is the presidency that I suspect matters more to Trump himself, the one that he pursues during his morning “executive time,” the one he furthers with every tweet, the one he obsessively monitors on cable news. This is the presidency for which the measures of achievement aren’t bills passed or jobs created but headlines grabbed and mindshare held.

This is the presidency that, for all its collateral damage, is succeeding beyond Trump’s wildest dreams. This is the presidency that few have figured out how to resist.
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