Communism will win!

Sep 26, 2017 20:22

Там у него в фуражке не хватает “…by 1980″. Но и так хорошо. Интересно, это Second Lieutenant Rapone шутил так или в Вест-Пойнте теперь историю тоже марксисты преподают? Из пресс-релиза не очень понятно.

Лет бы тридцать пять назад такое, вот бы старички из Политбюро порадовались.

UPD: нет, не шутил младший лейтенант.

The West Point graduate is a member of democratic socialists of America (DSA), a group that boasts an impressive rise in membership since Trump’s election, and now claims to be the largest socialist organization in the U.S. Socialists have responded to conservatives by retweeting the image posted by Rapone, and calling him brave and an “inspiration.”

UPD: никаких шуток.

Rapone has complained that the military as such “reifies capitalism/imperialism with a brutally hierarchical rank structure” and said that his fellow service members “lust for war and conflict. They fetishize violence.”

In June 2016, Rapone said that because “Fascists dehumanize political opponents…Violence against the far right is resistance, not aggression.”

In a tweet from July 2016, Rapone stated: “With that speech, Trump confirms the worst suspicion: he is a fascist.”

In October 2016, Rapone said that the “The GOP exists as violence against black/brown people, Muslims, LGBTQ community, yet milquetoast liberals actively donate money to it?”

Такая антифа, только с элитным военным образованием, боевым опытом и (на данный момент) в рядах регулярной армии. Еще leo_sosnine интересную ссылку дал, за подлинность не ручаюсь, но в свете вышеизложенного почему бы и нет. Многообещающий кадр, в общем.

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communists, brave new world, the end is nigh

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