Тем временем

Aug 14, 2016 07:53

В Милуоки, пишут, происходит очередной подвиг Black Lives Matter. Причина - полицейский позволил себе пристрелить вооруженного человека (подробности выясняются). Жертва полицейского произвола при жизни имела многочисленные судимости, а вооружена была краденым пистолетом. Зато ее очень уважали соседи.

Nefataria Gordon said she knew the man who had been killed by the officer. “He was a nice, good person. He was really respected. That’s why everyone came out. They’re angry.”

Теперь соседи мирно протестуют против угнетения. Пока что сожгли бензоколонку, слегка погромили вокруг, до чего дотянулись, сожгли полицейскую машину и в нескольких побили стекла, а для комплекта избили и прогнали репортеров, явившихся освещать борьбу против угнетения. Угнетение там происходит давно и на системной основе.

In early July, a group of several dozen young people threw rocks and bottles, damaging windows of a gas station and a county transit bus near Sherman Park. Law enforcement beefed up their presence for several days there. Some activists said it was an intimidating presence. At the same time, the incidents also led to a surge in residents and local leaders promoting positive activity there.

The gas station, a BP, that was the scene of the July incident, was the station that burned Saturday night.

Все это происходит под речи олдермена по имени Халиф Рейни, представляющего этих достойных людей в городском совете.

“This entire community has sat back and witnessed how Milwaukee, Wis., has become the worst place to live for African-Americans in the entire country,” Rainey said. “Now this is a warning cry. Where do we go from here? Where do we go as a community from here?

“Do we continue - continue with the inequities, the injustice, the unemployment, the under-education, that creates these byproducts that we see this evening? … The black people of Milwaukee are tired. They’re tired of living under this oppression. This is their existence. This is their life. This is the life of their children.

Свое выступление олдермен закончил тонким намеком.

He said Sherman Park had become “a powder keg” this summer, and ended his remarks by implying that downtown could be the site of disturbances if the issues facing African-Americans here not addressed.

Одним словом, подготовка к выборам вступает в решающую фазу.

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.

social justice, race

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