Jul 27, 2015 12:56
There seems to be very little reason to press forward. The work is hard, the harvest minimal. The system thankless and people unkind. Tell me why people. They say those that can't, teach. Which is true of my american journalist turned teacher friend. But for me I can't quite imagine doing anything else. (which might mean that earlier statement is true, because my inability to think of an alternative is also another 'can't'..) I think I just really want to be a good teacher. If not that, I enter some form of crisis. I can't figure out an alternative other than being an absolute hermit. I don't want to do invisible work. I want to know I am capable first. And I am aware this isn't the only visible work available. But if not this then what?
We exist in an economy that the iron ricebowl is in fact, very prudent. And I know I can do other things. So am I willing to accept this meagre portion, for little benefits when I know lavish feasts await me elsewhere? (This sounds very much like the grass is greener kinda thinking but I am only being hyperbolic) Ok so maybe not lavish feasts, but at least a ricebowl that isn't the result of soul-rending efforts.
I am tired, and you should rest when you are tired. Where to find strength.
Why does society squeeze us into little vocational cubbyholes?