Oct 15, 2004 10:40
I don't get in here as often as I should, I guess that might have something to do with having a blog on the parenting site I moderate at. ;-) But these journals are actually cooler and not getting a monthly email reminder to update is a bonus too... I don't often have much I want to document but love being able to come back and look over what I've written in days gone by.
It's been a bit of an eye-opener reading the dribble I've written here in the past! LOL Sad little creature I was. Those days seem like but a distant memory... in fact, they are.
So, what's new? Well, I'm still living in Wanganui... Jason and I bought our first home in June and are settling well. It's three bedrooms - two large, and one small that I happen to be sitting in right now... more commonly known as the office. The boys share a room and love that... they're great mates.
We have a good sized back yard which is great for kicking the rugby ball around and all that kind of outdoor stuff.
Tobias is five now and at school - he actually started at the beginning of the year because we were told he seemed bright enough, so that's what we did. He loves it and has come out of his shell so much, I'm amazed at what a different little boy he is from the one that we knew at the start of this year. We celebrated his fifth birthday in August and he had a party the following Saturday... all but one little boy from his class came along and they had a wonderful time.
Phin is two and a half and we're in the middle of potty training... actually, he's sitting there with a potty stuck to his butt right now! LOL He's an awesome little dude, so cuddly and loveable. We right in the middle of the dreaded "terrible twos" but it's all good, I know this time around that they don't last forever.
Jason is still working out in the bush... the block he's in right now is quite a hard one and I'm proud of him for sticking with it when the gorse is higher than his head and it's all he can do to get from one tree to another for pruning them.
I'm still doing the at home mum thing... thinking about studying to be a nurse in the next few years... I'm not 100% sure yet but I love the feeling of helping people out, I think I'd make a good pediatric nurse. :)
Anyway, a nice short update, hopefully I'll get better at coming in here and recording things for future entertainment.