It's In The Blood (38/44)

Dec 29, 2010 20:31

Title: It's In The Blood (38/44)
Author: chasingxrabbits 
Pairing: Jalex (Also Gabilliam, Ryden, Very slight Sykecest, More pairings soon.)
Rating: PG13 (Over all NC-17)
Dedications: My favorite person in the WHOLE world, beside Alex Gaskarth, Lydia (wooden_roses )
Disclaimer: Title belongs to AFI. I only own the story and maybe someday, Alex too.
Authors Notes: Comments are love.

Chris was snuggled against David’s shoulder, sleeping peacefully as David stroked a hand through his hair absentmindedly. It was getting easier and easier to be closer to the boy without feeling uncomfortable. He figured it was like conditioning on Chris' part.

Alex drove, not speaking a word as the snow fell out side of the vehicle and Jack couldn’t take the tense atmosphere any longer.

“Alex,” he whispered and Alex just let out a breath.

“Not now, baby. Just let me calm down,” he said coldly, not offering a smile of assurance with his words.

“Okay, Lex.”

A half an hour passed before Alex pulled into a gas station and spoke again. putting the vehicle in park hurriedly.

“Do you guys want anything? Are you hungry?” he asked but Jack just shook his head.


“No, thank you.”

Alex got out before putting in fifty in gas and grabbing a bag of chips and a bag of M&M’s and piling them onto the counter.

“Pump seven and a pack of Newport's, please,” he asked and the cashier, looking rather bored, reached up and pulled the pack of cigarette’s out from the board above them and slapped them onto the table.

“Fifty-nine, twenty four. Can I see your ID?” the cashier barked and Alex handed him the money, ignoring the request for an identification card, waited for the change and left.

“Here,” he said, opening the door and offering Jack the bag of goods, climbing in and pulling a single cigarette out of the pack in his hand.

“Lex,” Jack scolded in a whine and Alex shot him a “not now” look. “You shouldn’t do that,” Jack added, harmlessly.

“Just shut up,” Alex spat.

“What?” Jack snapped, turning his body to Alex and scowling heavily. When Alex didn’t say anything, Jack simply said, “Alright, I will.”

The rest of the drive to the hotel was silent save for Christofer’s quiet snoring into David’s chest and Jack couldn’t handle it. So as they were packing their things away into the hotel room and Alex spoke, Jack simply ignored him, brushing him off with an icy glare.

“Jack,” he tried again but simply received the same cold shoulder. The vampire sighed and rolled his eyes at the childish behavior, not ready to feel sorry yet.

“David, why don’t you take Christofer down to the pool and have some fun, okay?”

Chris grinned up at David and he nodded, taking the boy’s hand and leading him toward the door, oblivious to the other couple's tension.

“Do you have your trunks?” he asked and Chris nodded dramatically.

“Do you?”

“I don’t swim much,” David admitted and Chris’ regular smile fell a bit. Once Chris had changed, he found David, laying on the beach of the pool, dipping his feet into the warm, shallow water. He’d taken his shirt off and it was laying, discarded on the side. Chris smiled lightly at him as he trudged past and into the water, collapsing a bit as soon as he was half way in.

They were completely alone, only the sound of the water lapping against the inclining slope of the risen beach. As Chris played and splashed around a bit in the water, subconsciously ignoring David standing and slipping away to the bath room where he slipped out of his skinnies and discarded them onto his piled shirt.

“Christofer,” he said lightly as the boy swam around on his tummy like a dog.

“Mm?” he mumbled, spinning aroud to swim on his back to he could look at David.

“I’m going to the hot tub, okay?” he said and turned on his heals.

“I thought you didn’t swim,” he giggled and David smiled subtly.

“Do you wanna join me?” he asked and Chris nodded enthusiastically before pulling himself up on the edge to follow after the elder.



Christofer waited until the elder sunk himself into the hot, steamy water before mimicking and looking around. The hot tub had been decorated with small fake plants and shrubbery, holding a rocky appearance that rose to the elevated area around part of the pool itself. The elevated area held a small little water fall that fell into the hot tub giving it a rather natural look. He spoke again finally once they were situated.

“What was your life like?”

The question obviously had taken the boy aback and he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. After a while, Chris spoke again.

He slid a bit closer to David, placing a hand on his shoulder in comfort. “It’s okay to tell me; I’m your friend.”

David gave him a shy smile as he sunk a bit lower into the water, smiling a bit wider as it touched a new part of his cool skin.

“I, uh. I had a mum and a dad, like everyone else at one point,” he started and Chris nodded for him to continue when it felt right. “Uhm, I had a brother too. We lived in a nice, conservative house in Seattle with a big garden patio and a large balcony on the top floor off my room. We had a big fish tank that sat in the middle of our living room that I liked.”

Chris listened intently with a small smile as the other talked.

“How’d you turn?” Chris asked once David had stayed silent for a while.

David’s brow furrowed a bit and after a few seconds he turned to Christofer.

“I’d rather not share,” he admitted.

Christofer nodded a bit, a sudden maturity washing over him since they’d entered the pool room.

David leaned back, content with the end of the conversation, and tried to completely relax himself into the side of the pool, closing his eyes and taking a nice deep breath.

Chris however, took the opportunity to slide even closer to him, close enough that David could feel his breath against his neck.

One of his eyes popped open to peer at the boy with question, opening them both when Chris didn’t move.

“I like you,” he said with a tiny giggle.

David’s eyebrows knitted together in a frown. “ you too.”

“Cool,” Chris exclaimed and lunged forward to give him a tight hug.

David squirmed a bit in Christofer’s grasp, trying to wiggle his way out of the boy’s vice tight grip. “Erm, Chris,” he said lightly, trying not to hurt the boy’s feelings like if he did, the boy might cry.

“Oh, just shut up,” he giggled at David and nuzzled his nose into the crook of the elder’s neck. It took a while for the cringing look on his face to fade and be replaced by a tiny smile.


By the time that Alex went to brush his teeth, Jack had already curled up in the opposite bed, clutching the blankets close to him and facing away from Alex. That had happened when Alex had tried to apologize to the boy.

“Leave me alone,” Jack had spat and cuddled himself into the blankets with a scowl on his features.

Alex rolled his eyes just thinking about it. He could hear Jack’s faint breathing from the bathroom as he wiped off his purple toothbrush and shoved it back into the drawer. Jack was obviously sleeping as Alex entered back into the room.

He gave the smallest smile as Jack mumbled something quiet in his sleep.

The boy was dressed in the white v-neck that he’d worn that day and a pair of grey sweats that he’d slipped into for bed time. Alex smiled warmly and leaned down, at first just stroking away a strand of the boy’s raven hair, but after a few seconds of just simply staring at the boy’s peaceful face, he reached over and wrapped his arms around the boy with care.

“Jack, love,” he cooed, though he knew that the boy couldn’t understand in his state of deep sleep.

He picked the boy up, disturbing him only a tiny bit as he lifted him up to his chest.

“Oh, my love.” Alex smile widened as he clutched the boy to him tightly. Jack stayed limp for a second before reaching up and wrapping his arms around Alex’s neck in sleep.

“My baby,” he whispered again as he carried Jack to the balcony and just held him there.

The sun was beginning to rise through the tall buildings and trees of the city and Alex frowned lightly. Jack stirred a bit in his arms before reaching up and touching Alex’s cheek lightly.

“You don’t how much I love you,” Alex assured and leaned down to kiss the boy’s cheek.

“Yes, I do,” the boy argued before yawning and hugging tighter. “Now let’s go to sleep.”

jalex, it's in the blood, slash

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