It's In The Blood (35+36/44)

Dec 18, 2010 10:36

Title: It's In The Blood (35+36/44)
Author: chasingxrabbits 
Pairing: Jalex (Also Gabilliam, Ryden, Very slight Sykecest, More pairings soon.)
Rating: PG13 (Over all NC-17)
Dedications: My favorite person in the WHOLE world, beside Alex Gaskarth, Lydia (wooden_roses ) and atl340  for finishing one of the best stories I've ever read.
Disclaimer: Title belongs to AFI. I only own the story and maybe someday, Alex too.
Authors Notes: Here's two for you! Sorry about being late. My computer's down.


"Oli, I have your dinner," Tom said quietly and Oli lazily opened his eyes. He didn't speak or move, just stayed still.

"You have to sit up," the younger instructed, hiding the worry in his voice for the sake of his brother and noticing the tiny spatters of blood that dappled along the collar of his white shirt. Tom's bottom lip quivered.

Oli didn't move still, just turned his head gently towards his brother. "I can't."

"Oli," Tom choked. "You have to try. Don't give up, okay?"

Oli didn't move but only clenched his jaw tight. Tom knew that if he could cry, he'd be sobbing. Because here was the strongest man that he'd ever known and in all honesty, Tom was scared to touch him. He'd break; shatter of sure and that terrified the younger brother to no end.

Oli reached a frail hand out to take the cup of blood from Tom but the younger denied.

"You'll drop it. Let me," he whimpered and leaned the cup down to Oli's mouth. He tipped it his open lips, not tilting it back until the entire cup was gone.

"Let me go and get the cloth," Tom said but Oli let his head loll back and frowned.

"Just let me sleep."

"No, Oliver. You've been sleeping for days straight save for a drink. I don't think it's right," he said and it only made things worse. He felt like a piece of shit for denying Oli rest at a time like this but it just seemed like too much.

"Let me sleep, goddamn it!" he litterally growled and it made Tom sob a bit. He'd never been yelled at like that by his brother but he guessed this was a time for all kinds of firsts.

"Okay, Oli. I'm sorry," he whimpered but Oli had obviously forgotton his anger.

"I'm sorry, Tom. I...just need some sleep and I'll be okay."

The younger nodded quickly as his brother closed his eyes again.

"Alex is going to get help for you. I promise, Oli."

Thirty six

"If light were a living, breathing creature, it was always be in distress. For it would find that where ever it went, the darkness was already there and would return again in it's absence."

It might have been the last place that Alex wanted to be ever, but now more than ever, he simply loathed the vampire in front of him. He'd never particularly liked the man, but seeing him like this made Havok the most intolerable man on earth. He'd made Alex wait an entire hour while he ate his lunch and when he finally showed, he'd perched himself back onto his throne, emery board in hand as he filed his nails with it.

"Back so soon, Alexander?" he asked, not looking up from his work, edging the rough board along his black lacquered nails.

"Yes," he said through clenched teeth. "I am here, aren't I?"

"No need to get snippy, son. What's the problem?" the head vampire asked playfully, but Alex knew that he knew the issue already. He had people for that.

"Is he?" Havok asked, smirking up at Alex a little, squinting his eyes in challenge and Alex nodded through his scowl.

"Well, I won't be bothered by a little cold, Alexander. I'm a busy man, ruling you all and what-not."

"Havok, you know how serious this is. Don't play games," Alex snapped but quickly leveled out as the head vampire stood abruptly and pulled his lips back to glare his teeth.

"I told you before to cut the tone. I'm not one to take that very well. Next time I hear it, I'll be drinking your blood for dinner," he growled and Alex had to step back at how loud it was as his voice rang through the stone castle. When he focused back on the vampire in front of him, he'd taken his seat again, cool and calm like nothing had happened.

"I understand, sir. But we need your help here. Oli could be dying as we speak," Alex pleaded, trying to sound like they were completely at the grace of Havok, which, as much as he didn't want to admit it, they were.

"You think he's dying?" the vampire asked and Alex gave him a quick nod, quirking an eyebrow at him. "Oh, Oliver. So secretive, and with your own clan, no less."

"What?" Alex asked, pulling a bit of a frown at what Havok was implying. "Do you know something we don't here?"

Havok laughed and, once again, it rang loudly through the setting. "Are you saying that you're not fit to lead a clan, Alexander?" Of course he'd avoid that question all together; he's a sick man.

Alex's frown quickly turned to a scowl. "I never said anything of the sort, but I shouldn't have to lead; Oli's very young still."

"Be that as it may, I won't help," Havok said, smile evident in his voice.


"I said, I won't help," he answered again, punctuating each word perfectly as if that would make Alex understand.

"Sir, you must! We need him," Alex argued and Havok stood, flicking aside the file in his hand to glare down at Alex.

"If you're unfit to lead a clan in his absence then I suggest you be killed; god knows you're not good for anything else."

Alex let out a long, low, predatory growl before turning on his heals and heading for the wrought iron gate that lead out of the castle.

"Alexander, where's Jack today?" Havok asked and Alex just turned his head to the side to acknowledge him.

"Up your fucking ass," he snapped and all he could hear was Havok's silky laugh as he swung open the doors and left.


"Alex," Jack asked quietly into the pitch black room, snuggling in tighter to his blankets in case it wasn't Alex.

"I'm here, baby," he answered into their room, coming over and meeting Jack in their bed.

"How did it go?" Jack asked innocently and Alex scowled into the dark.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow night. Sleep now," he said as he took off his pants and crawled in next to the boy.

"Mk," Jack mumbled, still half asleep as he cuddled his back against Alex. "I love you."

Alex laughed a bit and responded with a kiss to the boy's temple before falling asleep.

jalex, it's in the blood, slash

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