Dear Mr. Gaskarth (42/46)

Dec 13, 2011 01:32

Titled: Dear Mr. Gaskarth (42/46)
Author: chasingxrabbits  
Pairing: Jalex, Slight Merrikat and Olex (Alex and Oli)
Rating: NC-17
Dedications: Everyone who has commented on this. Thank you. Sincerely thank you. <3
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys at all, but the plot belongs to sausajizz  and myself
Beta: paigerhiann, the lovely darling
Facebook: HERE (If you add me here, introduce yourself please.)
Tumblr: HERE


It was times like these he was regretting his haste. He had walked out the front door, without a jacket, in February. It was freezing outside, absolutely bone chilling as he walked, clutching himself tight to try and conserve all the heat he could, but he felt himself freezing every time the wind even gusted a little.

“Fuck,” he cursed, shivering to the point that it was starting to throw off his steps. He didn’t know where he was going, and it was dark outside, the only light being the street lamps. He was lost, so he just turned around and headed home.

When he finally got there, having lost his way a little, he couldn’t feel his feet at all. It was like walking on pincushions. It took a minute or two of him bustling around the kitchen for his mother to appear behind him.

“Jack,” she whispered harshly. “It’s 1 am! Where have you been, I was worried sick.”

“Yeah,” was all that Jack answered with, rolling his eyes in the dull light coming from the night light over the kitchen sink.

“Jack,” she whispered again, softer this time, leaning in to hug him. He didn’t hug back right away. “Maybe we should talk, baby.”

Jack shook his head. “I don’t want to talk,” he insisted, breaking free of her grasp as he stepped back.

“Jack, we have to talk. What you did at dinner tonight was just plain childish,” she scolded, her son nodding after a second.

“I know.”

“Come sit on the couch with me,” she insisted, tugging Jack over and really not giving him a choice. He groaned a little, rolling his eyes and doing all he could to try and get her to let go without actually running.

“Mom, I don’t need a lecture,” he complained, but she wasn’t having it.

“Shut up, Jack,” she said sweetly, reaching forward and pushing back his bangs. “You need to listen to me.”

It took Jack a second to meet her dark brown, loving eyes, but when he did, he realized that this was his mother, and she’d never steered him wrong before, not once. So he just relaxed a little, listening to her.

“Jack,” she started again, frowning like she was almost hurting for him. “You’re not going to like what I have to say, but you have to let him go. He’s in serious danger right now.”

Jack shook his head back and forth like he didn’t want to listen, but she just kept talking.

“I’ve seen how you look at that boy,” she said, watching as Jack’s cheeks turned pink with either anger or embarrassment. Maybe a little of both. “Jack, I’ve never seen you look at someone like that before. Ever. I know you care about him, right?”

Jack didn’t respond, just nodded in confirmation.

“Then you have to let him go.”

Jack scowled at that. She gently patted his shoulder with the smallest smile on her lips. And with nothing else, she stood, heading for the stairs.

“Get some sleep,” she said before disappearing into her bed room.

Jack just sat there for a little while on the couch, a little dumbfounded, a little taken aback, but mostly just hurt.

He gazed up the stairs, considering dragging himself up to apologize to Alex for how he acted, but he let it go. He wasn't ready so he went to bed.


When Jack woke up the next morning, he got up before anyone else, tromping up the stairs and pausing on his way to the bathroom to glance into Alex's room.

He was laying across the bed, back to the door, shaking lightly like he was sobbing. Jack couldn't hear anything really, just little sniffles, and he considered going in and comforting him, he really did. But he just couldn't bring himself to forgive the man at all. He wanted Alex to feel bad for thinking about leaving him.

He rolled his eyes and went on with his morning routine.

Later at school, everything went normally. He talked to Rian and Kyle, made plans for the next weekend and went through the daily things like normal. English was awkward, because it was obvious that Alex was hurting, and it sucked for Jack.

About halfway through the hour, he started to notice some odd behaviours out of the man.

He watched as Alex would lift his sleeve subtly and dig into his arm. At first it looked like scratching to Jack, but after a few times, he realized that Alex was rubbing the spot raw, teeth clenched as he dug.

Jack cringed. He wasn't sure if the man either had poison ivy, or it was a nervous reaction to something Jack was causing. He guessed the latter.

Jack tried to get his attention, but it was pretty obvious that Alex wasn't paying attention to him, so that was that.

Jack took his time after school, making sure he had everything out of his locker before heading out to his car. Pretty much everyone had left the school when Jack started to pull out of the parking lot, stepping hard on the breaks when he saw him.

There was a man standing in the yard of the school, propped up against a tree. Dark red surrounded his eyes and mouth area, and Jack thought he looked legitimately scary. It was Oli.

It was obvious that he saw Jack, giving him a little smirk before turning himself around and walking off.

Jack's heart was pounding, so loud he could hear it in his ears; the thump thump of face heating, skin tightening, stomach dropping nervousness.

He pretty much slammed on the gas petal, trying to make it back to his house before anything happened, whether that meant blowing past stop signs and completely disregarding traffic or not - which apparently, it did.

Jack made it home five minutes after that, making quick work of what was usually ten to fifteen.

He slammed the front door open and shut, alarming the living shit out of his mother on the couch.

"Jack!" she yelped, confused and terrified that something was wrong. Jack disregarded her.

"Mom, where's Alex?" he asked sternly and Joyce's eyes popped open even wider.

"He hasn't come home yet."

dear mr. gaskarth, jalex, slash

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