It's In Your Head (8/?)

May 08, 2011 21:37

Titled: It's In Your Head (8/?)
Author: chasingxrabbits 
Pairing: Jalex, mentions of Sykecest
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Vampires and lots of boysex.
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys, only the plot and story are mine.

SEQUEL TO IT'S IN THE BLOOD I can't stress that enough.

It's In The Blood is here


"Here," Tom said, flopping another stack of the fluffy, warm treats onto Jack's plate. "Have more pancakes."

"Tom, I can't!" the boy complained and reached down to lift up his shirt and show the other his tummy. "I'm going to be fat for my wedding!"

"Oh, don't kid, Jack! You're as thin as a stick bug," he said, English accent as thick as it ever was and Jack could have sworn that he said 'stink bug'. The younger burst out laughing, letting it roll off his tongue until it died down on it's own. Tom, laughing lightly with him, reached around to untie his red apron and let it fall to the floor. He picked it up and continued on to do the dishes that they'd dirtied at breakfast.

"Maybe you and I should do something today," Jack suggested, taking a bite of the pancakes despite his previous whining.

"Well, I have a lot to do tonight, love."

"Oh, like what?" Jack challenged.

"For starters I need to clean our house something terrible. Dusting, vacuuming and wiping down windows, sinks, and the bath tub. After that I have to go out and get a ton of groceries. We're living on bread and butter right now," he explained and Jack rolled his eyes.

"Our house is very clean, Tom. You make sure of that hourly. And you forgot that you just fed me pancakes; is it a vampire thing to make pancakes with bread and butter?" Jack objected wittily.

"I'm thinking you'd better shut your little mouth," he joked but paused instantly when he saw that Alex was standing in the archway to the kitchen. "'Night," he greeted before turning back to his dishes.

Jack turned slowly to look at him, biting his lip at the blank look on Alex's face. "What's wrong, babe?"

Alex took a visible gulp before speaking, holding the blank stare on his face. "Pain," he answered simply.

Jack's brow furrowed and he stood, close enough to lean forward a bit and feel the vampire’s forehead. “What hurts?”

“My left shoulder blade,” Alex answered simply, rolling his eyes a bit at Jack's action; he didn't have enough blood to run a fever. Jack turned him around before pulling up his shirt. The boy let out a surprised shriek and Tom quickly ran over to see what was wrong.

“Oh dear.”

“Oh my god, Lex! There’s something under the skin,” Jack said, trying not to gag at the sight. "In your back." His words were separated as he tried to look away but he couldn't. As a kid, he’d fallen once on the gravel at school and a bit of it had gotten stuck in his knee. This is exactly what that looked like; a fairly large object embedded under the skin.

“What does it look like?” he asked, completely calm with Jack’s statement, even when the human was looking like he was going to puke.

“Looks like a rock,” Tom answered simply, British accent turning the statement a bit humorous. He reached a finger out to touch the skin but Jack objected quickly, slapping it down.

“Well, get it out,” Alex said obviously, rolling his eyes a bit when Jack started off again on the level of ‘gross-ness’ that the situation was at. He continued with that as Tom went to get his first-aid kit from the kitchen cabinet. When he came back, Alex was sat on top of the dinner table. Having removed his shirt, exposing his back to Tom.

“Here Jack,” Tom said and pushed the boy lightly out of the way. “Go stand in front of comfort him or something.” The human nodded, that seemed to be a better idea than having him watch this little procedure.

“You don’t need to see this,” Alex said and spread his legs apart so Jack could stand between them. The boy nodded and buried his face in to the crook of the vampire’s neck and shoulder where Alex held it in place by rubbing the back of the boy’s neck.

“Okay,” Tom said, signaling Alex’s relaxation as the other vampire opened the box and pulled out a small scalpel. “Just sit tight until I get this out.”

He ran his thumb over the raised, darkened skin and Alex frowned at the discomfort that it caused. “How does that feel?” Tom asked, pressing it a bit harder and Alex cringed.

“It feels weird.”

“I’m just going to cut the skin over enough that I can pull it out,” Tom informed. “I’d have no other idea how I would-.”

Alex huffed as Jack let out a disgusted groan. “Tom, I don’t care what you do, just hush and do it.”

Tom stuck his tongue out at him and lifted the knife up, hovering just above the skin. His bright blue eyes focused suddenly on the spot. He grabbed a clean cloth from the drawer next to him and held it under the place that he’d cut in order to catch the running blood.

Without hesitation, he dragged the blade across the skin, feeling it scrape against the object underneath and he quirked an eyebrow. The blood stared to drip instantly upon opening the skin and he heard Alex’s breathing pick up. He let out a soft groan of pain as Tom cut the skin open more to reach in and drag his figer over the object. It was bumpy like a rock. Colored like a rock. Jagged like a rock. He was pretty sure it was a rock and he reached into the skin and began to pull it out. Alex’s breathing stopped for a second as he held back a yelp.

“It’s almost out love, just hang tight,” Tom assured as he pulled a little harder on the rock until it was free of the skin that had encased it. He set it down on the table and continued to dab the seeping blood from the cut.

Alex’s jaw was clenched tight, teeth grinding against each other when Jack looked up at him and he let out a tiny groan before burying himself into the vampire again.

“Okay, now just sit still while I stitch you up,” Tom instructed as he pulled out a threaded needle. He pulled it through the skin periodically until the wound was closed.  “Jack. Come here and hold this tight.”

Jack pulled away from his comfort slowly and walked around him to take Tom’s place and hold the cloth to the skin to prevent any more blood loss.

When Tom came back, he had already put everything away before stepping in front of Alex and dropping a rock in his hand that covered up his entire palm. Jack peeked over Alex's shoulder to stare at the object, mouth dropping open in shock.

"How did you not notice that?" he asked and Alex, mouth dropped open as well, just shook his head.

"No clue," the vampire admitted.

"You're such a good doctor. I never knew," Jack said, placing his free hand on Tom's shoulder.

"Oh," the youngest brother laughed. "Well, I was halfway through medical school when Oli decided to pull me... out." The end of his sentence was trailed off, his pretty blue eyes saddening with the words from his mouth

"Tom?" Alex asked and reached a hand out to lift his chin up. Jack frowned, understanding completely the boy's sadness.

"I have to get to work; this house is a mess," Tom said, trying to ignore the fact that the couple was sympathizing with him. He turned away from them, grabbing a cloth and the dusting spray that he'd laid out. "Would you check on Chris in about an hour? He's down in his room," he informed and disappeared up the stairs to get cleaning.

Alex shook his head a bit before pulling Jack in front of him and taking the bloody cloth away. "You wanna go for a walk?"

Jack, still saddened by Tom's reaction to his brother's name, shook his head in disbelief. "Doesn't that hurt you?" he asked, gesturing to the rock that still sat in Alex's palm.

"Not anymore," the vampire assured and reached back to pat the spot to reassure him.

"Fine then," Jack allowed. "We can go for a walk."

After Alex had bundled the boy up with a jacket, scarf and mittens they headed outside into the cool weather. Jack experimentally let out a breath, seeing it rise in front of his face and he giggled a bit.

"Hey," Alex said gently, turning to Jack once he'd shut the door. The boy caught the seriousness of his words and his smile faded a little.

"I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry about scaring you yesterday."

Jack huffed a laugh and rolled his eyes a bit. "Oh, well it's not your fault, Lex. You were obviously scared yourself."

"Yeah," the vampire admitted, lips turning up in an embarrassed smile. Jack stared down at the ground, noticing how the snow was beginning to melt, patchy and too wet in some areas as he avoided the other's stare. "But I think I could have handled it better."

"Yeah, maybe," Jack said, nodded a bit as he still stared at the ground. "But you're only human, right?"

Alex laughed dryly. "No."

"Right," Jack said, chuckling a little nervously until Alex reached down and lifted his chin so that their eyes met. Jack took in a visible gulp as the vampire leaned down, noses almost touching.

"Jack," he whispered and the boy nudged their noses together in response. It took a while for Alex to speak again, like he was thinking hard about what he was saying. "Do you think you're ready for this?" Alex reached down and held up Jack's left hand, showing it to him and the boy's eyes fell on the beautiful, shining ring.

Jack's eyes widened considerably. "What are you trying to say?" he asked, sounding obviously offended. And Alex held up his hands in defense, eyes widening as well in shock.

"No, no! I'm not-," he let out a sigh once Jack had seemed to level out emotionally. "It's just that...we can wait. If you're not ready for all of this yet, the marriage, the vampirism, assuming the Vice position. If you're not ready, I can wait for you."

Jack shook his head with out hesitation. "I'm ready for you. I want this more than anything."

"But are you ready, Jack? I want it too but I want to know that you're ready for it."

"I am," Jack said matter-of-factly. "I'm ready for this."

Alex stared at him for a second, trying to find even a bit of hesitation in his eyes. Finding none, he just smiled and took Jack's hand. "I think that I believe you."

chaptered: it's in your head, jalex, slash

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