FIC: Solitary Confinement(Rated R)

Aug 25, 2009 04:06

Title: Solitary Confinement
Author: chasingthewinds
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Star Trek doesn't belong to me. ♥
Characters/Pairings: Kirk/McCoy
Word Count: 7515
Author's Notes: Thank you so very much to iceiwynd for being a wonderful beta and a grand source of healthy self-esteem! Also thanks to votaku, calicokat, and anyone else who has stayed with this fic throughout the several weeks it ( Read more... )

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Comments 180

histoirede August 25 2009, 09:13:31 UTC
What an AU !!
Loved the last line ^_-


chasingthewinds August 25 2009, 16:16:58 UTC
Thank you! ♥ :) I'm so very glad you liked it.


histoirede August 26 2009, 08:36:06 UTC
That's the first AU I've read of Star Trek but it's intriguing how it works ^^


acetamide August 25 2009, 09:43:06 UTC
okay so I'm just going to sit here and convince myself that they did, in fact, get beamed up and it really all was some sort of twisted tranporter accident or something. yeah, I'll do that.

fuck me but this is brilliant.


chasingthewinds August 25 2009, 16:19:18 UTC
Certainly! ♥ You never know... :D

Thanks very much. I'm very glad you like it.


tzila_meora August 25 2009, 11:03:55 UTC
I have loved this fic from the very beginning! It's just so intense and extremely well-written. It really has been a privelage to be privy to such greatness.


chasingthewinds August 25 2009, 16:19:42 UTC
Ahaha! I'm very glad. Thanks! ^_^


anonymous August 25 2009, 11:18:09 UTC
Woah. That... that's cool. Bit freaked out about Bones, but it works so well, I'm compelled to want more of this. This is awesome.


chasingthewinds August 25 2009, 16:20:21 UTC
Yeeeeah. :X He's a little off the deep end himself, but at least he's aware of it.


noelia_g August 25 2009, 11:47:45 UTC
Holy hell. This was both fantastic and really, really scary, and I kind of hoped for an alien mindfuck all the way, I have to admit, just that little hope that everything would be okay. But the ending kicks like hell, and it's just perfect.


chasingthewinds August 25 2009, 16:20:45 UTC
Thanks! :) I'm so very glad you liked it.


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