worn out!!

Aug 06, 2006 11:54

I am so worn out!! this week was NON-STOP. until last night I had not slept in my own bed since monday. i missed it.
so thrusday after work, which i think is where i left off...I went to the luken's house and slept over bc molly and I have volunteering the next day! Volunteering was once again, the best time ever. we always have so much fun there bc the people are so awesome. The cook James is our favorite and he's our "boyfriend" ...hahha'anytime'. that made me laugh. i am sad we can only go down there one more time before we leave for college! I could go without Molly while she is on vacation but I dont want to it wouldnt be the same. So after volunteering we went and got Hawain Ice which was DELICIOUS and then laguhed at our senior video...hahaa it was HILARIOUS seeing people's 8th grade pics....how ugly everyone was. anyway. so then i left and got my shots for college which was an annoyance.
then I went home in hopes of sleeping but decided to shower and then go see ashley at work bc i missed her.
so then I came home and packed for CAMPING with the girls.
then molly and megan came over and we loaded up the car, went and got stuff for smores, got gas, got Kenny in Clifton, go Taco Bell, then headed up to Hueston Woods. I think its funny my parents would let me use my car but not drive so Molly drove my car, like always lol. So we got to camping and this time, unlike last year, we successfully found our friends! It was SOO MUCH FUN! we set up our tents/beds, made a fire, made smores, played board games, talked, listened to music. my FAVORITE part was when Me, Molly, Liz and Sara laid out on my lesbian rainbow tarp and looked at the stars and just talked. I was SO exhausted but somehow I stayed up and we had really cool conversations. ALSO, WE SAW TEN SHOOTING STARS!!!! i kid you not, we saw ten of them. it was insane. they gave me the chlls and kind of made me want t o cry actually, I dont rally know what though. so then we took some pics and went to bed. Me and molyl slept on blankets outside, NO TENT. it was SOOOO hardcore. and suprisingly comfortable and i actually wasnt scared. so we woke up with the sun in the morning, packed up and headed home. So we brought molly and liz to dance, kenny and megan home, and then I went home to FINALLY crash! i slept until three when I had to go to my gradnma's birthday party out in westchester. that was cool....and then I went to work and was SO tired I feltlike I was going to pass out. but i survived, and I came home and slept. too bad I didnt sleep well...hmmm.

i didnt sleep well bc i was very sad as i was falling asleep. molly is leaving for vacation tomorrow and I wont see her until she gets back on the fifteenth....then I got to college on the 18th....thats only three days of hanging out with my best friend before college. its so fucking weird....I dont like it at all. and ashley leaves on the 11th and I wont get to see her but like, her going away party....:(sSADDDD

i dont like that everything is windding down and we have to find time to say goodbye, and we have to figure out if the time we are hanging out is the last time we'll see eachother before colllege....

i feel like there are so many ppl i want to see and just NOT enough time to hang out with everyone before college. :(

I want to go, but its sad just the same. i dont know what i'm going to do without my girls.... we all got so close this year, esp this summers its been insane how close we got. we take care of eachother no mttter what, and we look out for eachother and we are all lesbian for easchother ... :). i mean seriosuly, who is going to take care of me next year!? or let me sleep on theri boobs and pet my hair when I am having a nervous breakdown for no valid reason??!!
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