Its been a while since I last wrote.. A lot has happened. My weight is back up once again. Witch pisses me off.. I can't seem to get back on track or get motivated, to lose weight. I'm so depressed and its the people around me that is effecting me.
Last Friday the cops came here to check on someone in the building and she assumes it was ME. I didn't call.. She think it was because they were asking for me.. Maybe because I'm her friend and they thought I would know.. WTF!!! she is saying pay back is a bitch and all this shit. What the FUCK can I do...
I'm still in this same state and I hope my family and I move ASAP! I mean I know I have to wait until there house is sold and my dad retires. I know it will happen when it does. I just need a change and get out of this state. I hate the cold I always have. so hopefully I can wait it out. I don't have a choice but I'm gonna pray real hard and start to get rid of stuff.. and pack so I don't go crazy packing when the time comes...
Last year in Sept 28, 2016 I had to put down Juliet. she was only 11 years old. She was in the last stages of renal failure. It hurts so much I miss her and Belle so much. I have Chloe and shes 6 years old this May..
Nothing is on TV and I'm sad and board but I will not binge.. I shouldn't let her get to me.. But if she knew me at all.. She would know it wasnt ME who called... WTF.. I want to eat but I wont.. Im so sad I don't want to even do my dishes. I just want to read or watch TV... I can't wait to move. It will been so much better. No one will know me and I can't start fresh. Maybe tomorrow I will open windows and clean a little and color maybe.
I like being alone but sometimes I don't because it gets so lonely. no one to talk to or hang with and sad really. I hope I'm able to make friends when I move and hopefully people will like me for me and not judge me for what I look like.
will write more tomorrow. I should write more.
RIP Juliet 7-7-05-09-28-16