(no subject)

Sep 02, 2007 16:35

It's so delightfully quiet here today -- I love it. I've already run out and done my errands, bought a bookshelf, haven't actually put my books on it yet, but that's all good. Ran to Target, am watching the General Hospital week marathon on SoapNet and playing random computer games to pass the time, and decided that I didn't care if it was 4:30 in the afternoon, it's a holiday weekend and dammit I'm going to have a glass of wine.

Speaking of, when I have people over, or bring wine, I do it in pretty bottles because I am a classy lady like that. For right now? I'd been curious about the Wine Boxes they have at Target because people who's taste I trust have told me that it doesn't taste like normal box wine does (aka crappy) and that it was a great choice, especially if you're like me and you want one or two glasses at a time and can't drink the whole bottle before it goes sour. So I bought a little box of the White Sangria just to try.

It's delicious. spazzula, when you come to this side of town for the deliciousness that is the burgers from the Place I Will Not Name Until We Make Plans To Go There, you need to have a glass of this. Fruity and delicious and I think you'll really love it.

And now I need to find my Icy Hot because carrying that bookcase has done a number on my shoulder.

Oh! And a belated welcome to lost_her_sway, who is new to the flist and just generally awesome.

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