(no subject)

Aug 07, 2007 09:12

Triangle Under Heat Advisory Today


Seriously, I don't think I'll ever get used to August in North Carolina. 110 heat index. I feel like I can't put on my makeup until I get to my office because it will melt off of me between the walk from my car to my building. My roommate!B and I will usually sit for a few minutes on our porch after work and chat but we looked at each other last night and were like 'couch?' 'oh yeah' because it's just darn oppressive.

And it's been hovering around 98-99% humidity for a week, which for people who've never experienced the joy that is southern humidity, blegh. It finally reached 100% yesterday and the rain just dumped for about an hour -- which is good, we totally need the rain, but you'd think that it would take some of the humidity out of the air. No such luck.

Which means that when picking out clothes for work today, it's very 'what's the shortest work appropriate skirt I have, and the lightest shirt'. Not that that's a problem, because I spent probably way too much money for the tax free weekend last weekend, but I totally needed new work clothes. I am convinced.

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