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Jul 22, 2007 17:13

So, while most of the day yesterday was taken up by reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the evening was spent going to see Chess. I love that it's so incredibly pretentious. I love that there are songs basically telling you how the Arbiter of the match is badass. I love that chess is do or die or defect. That's the best thing about musicals -- big big emotions, way out of proportion to what they are in real life *lol*

The Anatoly from last night? Delicious. I just wanted to take him home with me.

But the really funny thing? I saw at least 10 people during intermission just sitting there, reading HP&DH *lol* I went with Roommate!B and I told her she should totally bring her copy, but she was afraid she'd be the only one. Apparently not *lol*

But for those who've never seen it, Chess centers around a world championship match against the backdrop of the Cold War between The American, Freddie, and The Russian defending champ, Anatoly. Anatoly falls in love with Freddie's handler, Florence. Drama ensues, with defections, wives returning, fun synth music, etc.

And one of the best parts of this show? Each time I've seen it, the story is a bit different from the last time, since there is no actual 'canon' show. It started out, like Jesus Christ Superstar and Evita, as a concept album with the fantastic Murray Head singing The American role. And then the London show was different from the concept album, the Broadway version was different from the London show, etc. So each time you never know quite how it's going to turn out cause you don't know which book they'll use, and if the director will make any changes. Me? I prefer the studio album, just cause Murray Head is awesome.

So for those who've never seen Chess, here's a couple of songs from the concept album because everyone needs more musicals *lol*

Chess: One Night in Bangkok with Murray Head as The American
Chess: Anthem with Tommy Körberg as The Russian

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