(no subject)

Jun 04, 2007 08:44

My Roommate!B is my new tv buddy *lol* She's finally come out of the geek!closet and admitted that she enjoys sci-fi, which made Roommate!D go 'ew' and me go 'sweet, come, watch the Dr. Who marathon with me'. And she did.

She now thinks that we should throw a Dr. Who party and decorate the apartment like the inside of the TARDIS *snickers* I told the counselor in the office next to mine about these plans at she was very 'OMGYAY! You have to do that!'

Me: Yeah, but I don't know who would come.

Counselor: ME! I would come! And I am awesome enough to build an entire party around.

So I very well may have to build a TARDIS for a party. When we told Roommate!D of these plans...

Me: So, B and I were thinking of throwing a Dr. Who party.

D: A what?

B: A Dr. Who party. We're going to dress the apartment up like a TARDIS.

Me: We should totally do it as a costume party, too.

B: Ooh, yes!

D: So... does that mean I can wear scrubs? Cause it's about a doctor, right?

Me & B: ... yes, it sure does.

And spazzula was adament that I try and convert B to Stargate Atlantis. So I'm sitting there, trying to figure out the best way to go 'hey, you know you wanna rock out the stargate...' when we're watching the second Dr. Who marathon, this time on Sci-Fi, which has ads for SGA's 'Sunday' every three minutes. *grumbles fucking Sunday*

B: You know, I think I'd like to try Stargate Atlantis.

Me: *glee* It's the cotton candy of sci-fi. Very enjoyable, when it doesn't piss you off.

B: So what's it about? Are they, like, Atlanteans or something?

Me: How much do you know about the Stargate Universe?

B: I liked the movie.

Me: The movie they get to go to Egypt. SG-1 they rock out a bunch of different worlds with the stargates. Atlantis, they travel to a new galaxy and find the lost city of Atlantis. And hijinks ensue.

B: Sweet. I dig hijinks.

Me: Oh! And there are Space Vampires too.

B: Space Vampires?

Me: Yep, called the Wraith.

B: So they suck your blood?

Me: More or less. With their hands too, it's kinda freaky.

B: ...

Me: Still interested?

B: *grins* You had me at Space Vampires.

So now I have a new SGA buddy too. Which is fun because I'll have an excuse to watch my DVDs and have someone who will have all of that first time excitement and not my jaded fandom cynisism *lol*

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